463 | Build Generational Wealth In 2024: Crypto Expert Coach JV

  • [00:00:00] Coach JV: There's money everywhere. I made more in crypto than I would have made my whole life as an executive at a bank, a VP. And I was like, this is not natural. That's the greatest time in human history to build wealth for your family.

    [00:00:11] Chaz Wolfe: Welcome back to gathering the King's podcast. I'm your host, Chas Wolf. Today we have coach JV, Mr.

    [00:00:18] Chaz Wolfe: John Vasquez, former banking VP turned founder of the three T warrior Academy, where he has helped thousands of people achieve freedom, mindset, health, and wealth. He's also a leader in the crypto space and a powerhouse content creator with over 2 million followers. Today, here are the three things that we discussed.

    [00:00:37] Chaz Wolfe: Coach JV gives us his exact strategy for generational wealth.

    [00:00:40] Coach JV: We went from broke on the parents couch to coming up on three seven figure ecosystems. And I have a Rockefeller trust set up. My family for generations is set up. He breaks down macro economics and how the middle class is in trouble. The average middle class American has to make 160, 000 a year to be middle class now.

    [00:00:57] Chaz Wolfe: We also talk about the Bitcoin halving and all things crypto.

    [00:01:01] Coach JV: My strategy and cryptocurrency. When everybody's excited and getting in, I've already sold four times on the way up. Enjoy the show.

    [00:01:09] Chaz Wolfe: Coach JV, my man, how we doing? Welcome to the King stage.

    [00:01:13] Coach JV: brother. Such an honor to be here. I appreciate you, man.

    [00:01:16] Chaz Wolfe: Dude, I was just telling you, you know, that,~ uh,~ sometimes, you know, you go back and forth on social media and you see people, guys, gals, whatever. And you came up with my feed a long time ago, maybe even a couple of years ago. And,~ uh,~ always loved the beard, but definitely appreciate your mindset, especially when it comes to finances and mindset.

    [00:01:32] Chaz Wolfe: And so we're going to jump into a bunch of stuff. ~Um, ~because dude, you got a message.

    [00:01:36] Coach JV: Yes. Very excited to be here, man. Thank you.

    [00:01:39] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah, of course. ~Um, ~let's, let's jump off here. tell the listeners,~ um,~ kind of what you're known for. ~Uh, ~I know you're kind of known for several things and you've got several businesses, but kind of just what, what, who's coach JV.

    [00:01:49] Coach JV: Yeah. So coach, I think I'm most well known for micro macroeconomics and cryptocurrency education around,~ uh,~ financial literacy. ~Um, ~and so coach JV is a guy who, Has gotten the crap kicked out of them over and over again. And finally in 2020, I just drew a line in the sand. I was like, enough is enough. And there was no wealth in my family.

    [00:02:06] Coach JV: A lot of,~ uh,~ bad behaviors in my family. A lot of things that I seem to be passing down to my kids in 2020. When the pandemic hit, I think that was the last straw for me. We had finally gotten our shit together. We finally built a business, you know, all this stuff you're supposed to do as an entrepreneur, the 19 hour days, the grind culture.

    [00:02:22] Coach JV: And I finally. Finally, you know, I went through Alex Ramosi's,~ uh,~ gym launch program and our, our gym exploded. It was absolutely amazing. It was such an honor to coach with him at that level. Now where he's at now. ~Uh, ~but I, you know, coach with this gym launch and he taught me a lot of really amazing skills and we finally had it, man.

    [00:02:35] Coach JV: Then this pandemic came and shut us down and something shifted in me there. I was like, you know what? I ended up broke on my parents couch in 2020, which is pretty embarrassing for, you know, ~uh, ~you know, man with two children, you know, Disrupted my daughter's high school life. We had to move back in grandma and grandpa thousand square foot home.

    [00:02:51] Coach JV: And I just remember sitting there in my parents backyard. It's a house I grew up, man. It's exactly the same. Nothing has changed. My feet are on the same carpet. My son's feet were on, and I'm like sitting there and I'm like, there's something to this, that there's something, there's a reason why this happened to me and I started to listen to their conversations around money.

    [00:03:07] Coach JV: I started to listen to,~ uh,~ to watch how they reacted to money, how they reacted to the news, and I'm like, you know what, if I don't fix something now. If I don't draw a line in the sand, my kids are going to repeat the exact same process. So in 2020, I drew a line in the sand. I became more committed to the pain of change and staying the same, but I realized I had to completely rewire my brain.

    [00:03:26] Coach JV: And from there, it went from there to,~ uh,~ my daughter introduced us to tick tock, you know, we had,~ uh,~ you know, I was known for my mindset, you know, subconscious mind programming, goal setting, things like that. ~Um, ~but when my daughter induces tick tock, it was like, I was for dancing kids and we started, we actually started using it to build our relationship.

    [00:03:40] Coach JV: Yep. When we moved back in my parents and I saw this platform that people are really responding to. And so I started sharing. So as I was learning, I was sharing with people, the public, and it just went completely viral. ~Um, ~and a lot of people say it was overnight success, but by then, since 2017 on all our social media platforms, we had post already 35, 000 times without ever going viral.

    [00:04:00] Coach JV: And so we were like, Oh, it was overnight success. If you call, you know, four years, 35, 000 posts, then finally, I don't remember my mom, my daughter, we're talking about this, we're, we're in my parents house, you know, we're. We're heading to bed. We did a video and it just started 10, 000 views, 20, 000 views. And it was neat.

    [00:04:14] Coach JV: It was a cool experience for us to experience. And we always give credit to my daughter Raven for getting us there. And then I found that, you know, everything is for me as God and following Christ and, and,~ uh,~ it was, it was a tug. It was like this tug towards you need to keep just being authentic and sharing exactly what you're doing with.

    [00:04:30] Coach JV: The,~ um,~ fear of being embarrassed and judged throughout the whole process. I was made fun of, I was ridiculed and now we're in a totally different position, financially, spiritually, mentally, not on my parents couch anymore. So that's a good news.

    [00:04:41] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah. I mean, millions of followers, like, I mean, The overnight success obviously has, has culminated in your, in your crushing it. But,~ um,~ you, you said in there, you know, there's several pieces that kind of,~ uh,~ that stacked on top of each other. What do you think looking back at that story? And then we're going to dive into kind of how you think about the economy.

    [00:04:59] Chaz Wolfe: There's some stuff that just happened this past weekend that I think we can talk about. ~Um, ~but there were several stacks there. What do you think the most pivotal step in that stack was that really lit things up? Was it the actual viral, virality or was it other things in your business, in your mind?

    [00:05:15] Coach JV: ~Uh, ~yeah, it was just the, the commitment to myself finally. It was like, you know what I stopped. I truly stopped worrying about other people. Now I say this, I care what my parents think. I think care of my kids and people I love, I truly care. But I stopped worrying about what, how other people saw me or judge me.

    [00:05:29] Coach JV: And I started to really look at myself as a man. I'm like, all I did was say, did you move the needle forward today? That's what I asked myself. I like, do you know what you need to do to get your family out of the situation? Did you move the needle forward? It doesn't matter what this person says on social, or this person says about your journey, or when you say you're going to build a seven figure ecosystem, people laugh at you and make fun of you.

    [00:05:47] Coach JV: It was really the, the drawing the line in the sand. It was like I became committed to change. It was like every single day. So I created, you know, ~uh, ~my workout patterns, my, my studying patterns. ~Um, ~How I spent time with my kids. I was also, I talked about being a freedom warrior, right? But was I really free?

    [00:06:02] Coach JV: I could barely pay my bills. I couldn't even spend time with my kids. And so I devoted my life to becoming a freedom warrior. And so freedom for me is freedom of time, freedom of choice, freedom to be with my family and raise my kids. And that, that was something I devoted my life to. And that was a journey easy.

    [00:06:16] Coach JV: Absolutely not. But it was that drawing the line in the sand. I mean, I call it the grand Canyon, man. I was on the other side of the grand Canyon and I was not going back. It was like, we burned all the boats and we went forward and it was pretty neat because I was really worried that,~ uh,~ you know, I was going to leave a lot of people behind, but most people became, it was a mirror effect.

    [00:06:32] Coach JV: It was like, as I was leveling up and when I stopped worrying about what they were saying or judging me, I just kept moving forward. And the opposite happened. A lot of them mirror reflected me and started getting their shit together. So the people around me, we all started to mirror each other and we all started to encourage each other and lift each other up and celebrate each other.

    [00:06:48] Coach JV: Now there was some that completely have fallen off. And you know, I've said, you're so different. And when they say that to me, I'm like, thank God, you know, four or five years ago, I was a broken little boy. didn't have my shit together. Right? Couldn't look in the mirror and truly be like, Hey, I love you JV.

    [00:07:03] Coach JV: And so that was it, man. When I drew the line in the sand. But I think for me,~ um,~ what I really want to say about that is I had to rewire my subconscious mind, man. You know, some stuff happened to me as a child that shouldn't happen to a child and I was holding that deep rooted subconscious mind programming.

    [00:07:15] Coach JV: I didn't feel worthy as a child. I didn't feel worth it. I did a lot of really,~ um,~ Not good things in my, you know, there's a little bit deeper past me. And December 18th, 2006, I committed suicide due to a massive opiate opiate addiction. And I say committed suicide because that guy died, he's done. And it was due to, I blame nobody in the world.

    [00:07:32] Coach JV: I take full responsibility, but it was due to my low frequency, my low energy, my low self esteem, not being able to taught how to be a man or even handle my issues. And so. The subconscious reprogramming was the biggest thing. So I've been devoted to that since 2020. Now we're sitting in 2024. It's going asking myself, why, like, why do I believe what I believe spiritually, mentally, physically?

    [00:07:54] Coach JV: Why didn't I believe in myself? Why didn't I believe that I was man enough to take care of my family? And I had to go all the way down to when I was a kid, you know, the things that I learned as a child. And so I took that not only into my,~ um,~ My personal life, my spiritual life, but also my financial life, like every, everything I had learned came from when I was a child.

    [00:08:11] Coach JV: And so I had to identify what it was, dig deep, get down to the origin. And then once I found the origin, uproot it and then replace it with something new. So that was the biggest thing for me.

    [00:08:21] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah. There's a lot to that. I want to get into that because training the subconscious rewiring, the subconscious has been a deep part of a lot of what I've done for myself and for others even, and so I think we're going to have a little, a little,~ uh,~ root there, but you said I'm, I've been committed to the pain of change more than the staying the same or complacency.

    [00:08:40] Coach JV: Yes.

    [00:08:41] Chaz Wolfe: Does, does change always have to be painful? Coach JV.

    [00:08:45] Coach JV: That's what everybody identifies it with. But for me, it's become. Exciting to me. Like at first it felt, it did feel painful to be honest at first, because I think anytime we try to do something that we're not familiar with, there's so many things that come with that. It's, it's the fear of rejection,~ uh,~ the fear of not being enough once you get there.

    [00:09:02] Coach JV: ~Um, ~so there's a lot of pain in that and there's a lot of pain in people judging you, right? You're so different JV. Like I said, thank God. And so there's a lot of pain to that. I think when someone first starts, it's. It's more, it feels better to just stay the same until you start changing. Right. And then you look back and it's like, cause there's going to be pain either way, whether it's your health, like say you're not taking care of yourself.

    [00:09:22] Coach JV: Right. Well, there's going to be a,~ um, uh, uh, ~delay effect to that for your health. There's going to be some sort of pain, but do I like being on the stair mill every single morning? Do I like getting the guy did the 300 workout this morning? My trainer, it was painful, the whole workout. But when I walked out, I'm like, yes, I've never regretted the pain of change, but I've always regretted the pain of staying the same.

    [00:09:40] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah. So good, man. And I think that you're right. I think that fear is what possibly holds us back from the desire for change. ~Uh, ~cause I think a lot of people maybe say that they want to change, but then when it comes to that actual, like, Hmm, this is what it's going to take. Hands off,~ uh,~ you know, fear takes over.

    [00:09:58] Chaz Wolfe: I don't, I don't want it that bad in essence. Right. ~Um, ~and that may not even be like a conscious choice. It may just be you and me previous going. I just, I just, I'm just going to be average or I'm just going to, I'm going to be like this and I don't even know why I'm doing this, but somewhere down deep in there, we've, we've,~ uh,~ created these tracks that we just keep going down over and over and over, right.

    [00:10:18] Coach JV: Yes. Oh, yeah. And it's like, I think also too, because you have to give up something to become something. And that's scary. It's scary to give up things, your old self it's, and often we're, we're addicted to our old self. And like you said, too, I don't believe we come here to repeat consciousness. I believe God brought us here to expand consciousness.

    [00:10:35] Coach JV: And I believe that's the trap. The devil is a prince of the earth, as Jesus said. And if he can keep you trapped in a cycle. Of repetitive behaviors over and over again. And as soon as you start to believe in yourself, boom, he taps into yourself. No, no JV. Remember when you were a little kid, they told you you weren't worth it.

    [00:10:49] Coach JV: You never started on the football team. You never got the girl, you know? And so those things still, I get chills when I talk about it. Those things still come up the, you know, the more, even the more success we gain and success is defined totally different to me other than four years ago. It's totally different now for me, but.

    [00:11:03] Coach JV: But I still have that little boy tapping on me, man. And to me, it represents the darkest side of myself that I need to master to turn back into the light. And it's about really looking myself in the mirror and saying, Hey JV, little JV, it's okay, man. We got this. Like what those people said to you was not true.

    [00:11:19] Coach JV: I'm going to let you feel that for a second, but what are we going to do to send back to the light? And that's, that's a little process. I do people. I think I'm crazy. I do that every day. And now, you know, I have a 19 year old daughter and an eight year old son. I'm trying to get emotional talking about, but when my, yeah.

    [00:11:32] Coach JV: My daughter's amazing. She's an adult now. My, my son, it's like, I'm training a little lawyer, man. It's like, I am embodying into that child that he is worthy that he doesn't have to make me proud. He needs to make God proud and Christ proud. And it's, it's beautiful. Cause I'm like, what are you? He's like, I'm a lawyer.

    [00:11:47] Coach JV: I'm a champion. And he's like, I'm rich, but it has nothing to do with financial. It's an embodiment. So I believe that we're, we're, we fear giving up something. I think we all fear that, you know?

    [00:11:57] Chaz Wolfe: yeah. Yeah. How do you think,~ um,~ you know, I've got a four year old son. He's about to turn five here next month. And you know, when I think about a warrior, I mean, I, I didn't know my dad growing up. ~Uh, ~he didn't know I existed. So you want to talk about some deep, some deep stuff, but. I now have a son. I've met my dad since then.

    [00:12:13] Chaz Wolfe: I've changed my last name. My dad and I have a great relationship. It's been pretty cool, pretty cool story. But now I have a son. He now has my name, which is my dad's name. And, and, you know, he's been shooting his bow for probably close to a year and he's four, you know, like talk about being a warrior, like seeing a little kid out there just for hours on end.

    [00:12:30] Chaz Wolfe: It's like, wow. Whoa, this is cool. And so with you and your son, of course, with you and your daughter and with my, me and my daughters as well, but since you kind of brought up the son aspect and the warrior, how are you implementing with him to be able to act with no fear or to be able to see fear and press into it as opposed to letting it, you know, steer us in different directions?

    [00:12:50] Chaz Wolfe: What do you, what are you doing with him

    [00:12:50] Coach JV: beautiful. That's beautiful. And I'll talk about my daughter as well. What that is. So my son specifically is, is really being there at his level. So what I do with my son, for example, like if he gets hurt, right? So my dad, when I would get hurt before I was like, get up, there was no nurturing at all.

    [00:13:05] Coach JV: So I get down to his level. I look him in the eyes. I said, are you hurt? Are you scared? And he'll say both. And if he's hurt and scared, we manage. What's hurt. And then we, you know, nurture him a little bit, be scared that when we get back up, like, we're going to do it again. Okay. He's like, all right, so I'm gonna do it with you, son.

    [00:13:17] Coach JV: We're going to do this together. We're going to fail together. How does that sound? And so just constantly reinforcing that, Hey, what he did, the failure is not a failure. It's a step towards the next goal. I've also really encouraged him to. To stand up for, for who he is, like as my son and he's, I just, it makes me smile tremendously.

    [00:13:34] Coach JV: Both my daughter and my son, because it's like, I never got this type of coaching. My dad's a great human being. He provided for our family. Just, he never provided this type of leadership for me. Never. He wasn't really around when I was a kid. Good provider. Did everything he did. He did what his dad taught him to do.

    [00:13:47] Coach JV: Right. And so never told me he loved me. Never. And so those are all the things that I do with my son. But I also let my son know too, that. We, we're going to fail forward, like a 100 percent chance that you're going to fail. Son. I said, that's a guarantee. I'll give you in life. They tell you there's, you know, you got to pay your taxes and you're going to die, right?

    [00:14:02] Coach JV: You also are going to fail, especially if you're going to become an entrepreneur. Right. And I also allow him to, as he's transitioning from subconscious, he turned eight. So now he's becoming conscious, right? He's getting a conscious mind. And so now he's asking tons of questions. And I remember as a child, they'd be like, that's the way it is.

    [00:14:16] Coach JV: I'm like, I go, I, we go deep into the question. Dad, why is it this way? Well, let's talk about it. Why do you think it's that way? He has more insight than I do usually, because he's closer to source. And I'm like, that's a really good insight. We, you know, I'll give you an example of the super bowl. He said, dad, who do you believe is going to win the super bowl?

    [00:14:32] Coach JV: And I just messed with him. I said, I said, I said, I think God, God is my president CEO. That's who I think is going to win the super bowl. And he goes, he goes, yeah, yeah. He goes, Yeah, dad, God is in everything. And I said, well, explain to me. And he started talking through it. It was actually on one of my stories of blue.

    [00:14:45] Coach JV: It was just, I had to, it was like, he's in the blade of grass. He's you. And he just started. And I'm like, that's it. I'm like, you are a, what could just, yeah. Just by letting, asking questions and letting him express himself instead of being like, no, this is the way it is because I don't know anything, man.

    [00:15:00] Coach JV: And I'm starting to realize by not knowing anything, it's making me the smartest man in the world. And he's one of my greatest teachers and my daughter for my daughter specifically. She's such a lady, man. She's so classy. She's, she's a beast. She's become like, cause my daughter went through and I, I hold a lot of guilt for this.

    [00:15:15] Coach JV: And you know, we've worked through forgiveness together on this. I was a drug addict, an opiate addict from birth all the way to about four years old. So my son has grown up in a completely different paradigm and she's mature enough where she's forgiven me for it. But it's so interesting. This is all the parents out there.

    [00:15:29] Coach JV: They did a little,~ uh,~ document didn't go anywhere, but they did like this documentary and they interviewed her. And I, I was standing outside listening. He, she didn't want me in the room. And she was like,

    [00:15:40] Chaz Wolfe: That's good.

    [00:15:41] Coach JV: When I was a drug addict, like I was just, I felt so much guilt for it, man. And my daughter said, she goes, I still saw him as a superhero. I had no idea my dad was a drug addict. You know, I was still there present, but I was high on drugs. And then she also said to like, The man I am today, who people see as a fool.

    [00:15:58] Coach JV: Like you see me train, I left banking in 2017, you know, had the suit. I mean, what looks like the American dream, right? I was miserable, brother, miserable. She said, my dad was miserable as a banker and who my dad is today. I'm proud of him. I was like, wow, man. So. I say that because with my daughter, what I do is every, every month I take my daughter on a date.

    [00:16:17] Coach JV: I take her to a really nice restaurant and I show her how a man should treat a woman, how divine masculine should show up in divine feminine. And these are things that I never was taught by my father. And so these are things that I, I feel that we're here to shift the generation. That's what I really feel.

    [00:16:31] Coach JV: So I'm trying to embody in them the things that I didn't learn, not, not saying that I have it right, but I'm trying to do the best I can so that when my daughter and my son have a child that we can shift the generation, you know, and that's what I mean by drawing a line in the sand.

    [00:16:42] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah, that's good, man. Yeah. The, the,~ uh,~ intentionality obviously is where it all breaks down. ~Uh, ~the, the, the little moments that you have with these,~ um,~ children. And of course, I, I'm sure that you've carried that into all areas of your life. I know that you have through your discipline and stuff, but it's fun to be able to hear, especially as parents who are entrepreneurs.

    [00:17:00] Chaz Wolfe: ~Um, ~you know, I talked to, I talked about a lot of entrepreneurs and there's a lot of, Them out there that, you know, they, I mean, I, I don't want to be that dad, right? The, the, the dad that we probably had, or in my case I didn't have. ~Um, ~and so being able to kind of go all in on dad hood or, or even being a good husband or whatever,~ um,~ like we have with our businesses because we, that's just an easier, like we we're, we can be obsessed.

    [00:17:24] Chaz Wolfe: We can go all in on the money. ~Um. ~But sometimes it's a little harder to, to really, like you said, kind of settle down in that moment, look him in the eyes and really be who he needs you to be. ~Um, ~what do you think, what do you think for right now, the entrepreneur listening, right. You know, to, to you and it's like, man, like that's really powerful what he does with his son and with his daughter.

    [00:17:41] Chaz Wolfe: And I don't, I want to do that, but I don't know what the first step is. What would you say? Like super practical for the listener to go do to work towards that?

    [00:17:51] Coach JV: The first thing I did was define principles. I read Ray Dalio's book called principles. Like I love Ray Dalio, the, the, one of my favorite economists, but he has a book called principles. And so this changed my life, literally changed my life. So I defined principles within my business and will personally, and I live by those principles because I always say, if you don't believe in something, you're going to fall for everything.

    [00:18:09] Coach JV: Right. And I noticed that in entrepreneurship, often we see the grind culture, right? We're supposed to grind 19 hours a day. We can talk about that as well. You shouldn't be grinding 19 hours. They should scale your business because we got into business for freedom, right? So the first is I define principles for business.

    [00:18:23] Coach JV: It's integrity, honesty, and uncompromising belief in God. So any business that I create, I have to be able to openly and freely speak about my relationship with God and Jesus Christ. My CFO is a Buddhist. You can come as you are in our business because in the corporate America, you can speak about politics or religion and mine.

    [00:18:37] Coach JV: You can talk about whatever you believe in. We say, say what you mean. Don't say it mean. So from there, all my decisions are made based on my principles. Then we go over to personal as peace, freedom, and family structure. Anything disrupts my peace, freedom or family structure. It's a hard no. I don't care if someone offered me a 10 million contract, a billion dollar contract.

    [00:18:56] Coach JV: If it disrupts my peace, my freedom to be with my children, I'm off at two o'clock every single day or my family structure. It's a hard no. And my kids see that they see that they see that I'm devoted to my, I get off at two every day. I'm raising my son, my, you know, his mom's So super amazing mom, she's involved.

    [00:19:11] Coach JV: We're both raising her, right? We're not together, but we're both properly raising him the best we can being apart. And I made a commitment that I will be there for my children. And so the next step for that was once I did that and made those commitments, all my decisions in business personally and professionally are all based on my principles.

    [00:19:27] Coach JV: And I let my kids know what the principles are. And so they know that they, and my team knows that too. You know, we launched a new company and,~ uh,~ they said, Hey, you gotta be on these meetings at five. I said, that's against my principles. I'll release my equity. And they were like, No, no, no, no. We're good.

    [00:19:39] Coach JV: And I'm like, but that's, that's how, that's how sincere, how serious you have to be about your principles. So once you define that, it seems like I call it God, the universe, whatever you want to call it, seems to guide you to the right opportunities because what does freedom mean, right? Freedom for me is freedom of time, freedom of choice, freedom to be with my family.

    [00:19:56] Coach JV: Why need resources for that? I need income for that. So it's very clear. Like when I close my eyes, I can picture our future. And then from there I reverse engineer everything back to my principles and the activities based on the principles.

    [00:20:07] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah. I love it. Intentionality with a capital intentionality.

    [00:20:11] Coach JV: Yeah, I love it. Love it.

    [00:20:13] Chaz Wolfe: okay. Well, so there's a lot to unpack here. ~Um, ~you know, but I want to definitely get to the, the economics part of just your mind and what, what's going on in today's world. ~Uh, ~Ray Dalio, obviously, as you described,~ uh,~ that, I mean, maybe we just start with that because Some of the, some of the stuff he's talked about for years is like in the midst of being like literally happening.

    [00:20:33] Chaz Wolfe: Now you've been talking about stuff for four plus years. Now that things are happening in our economy, things are happening in crypto, things are happening across the world. Why don't we just like pause and just give you like a, like 30 second, just intro to economics with coach JV.

    [00:20:50] Coach JV: Love it. Yes. First of all, I'm saying 99 percent is coming from Ray Dalio. 1 percent is coming from my own research. I'll say with Ray Dalio, he's amazing. So like he shared with us, we're in a climate change narrative, a war narrative, social geopolitical narrative,~ um,~ and a financial narrative. It's never had all four at the exact same time.

    [00:21:07] Coach JV: America's sitting at 120 debt to income ratio. We have more debt than we have income. The average middle class American has to make $160k a year to be middle class now, right? has to borrow to pay for critical services. Our critical services. And we're in the most historical presidential election in human history.

    [00:21:25] Coach JV: Also in 2023, the banks, the bond yields inverted, which sucked all the liquidity out of the banks and the regional banks are in a very tough position right now. So now we're sitting here and then this happened this last weekend, which October kind of kicked it off last, last year. And then now this weekend was historical.

    [00:21:41] Coach JV: Everything happening right now is a historical pattern that happens. It's nothing new under the sun. It happens over and over again in human history. And. I'm not trying to be non emotional about the war. I do not support war. I don't support anything going on. I'm all about love and kindness and stuff like that.

    [00:21:57] Coach JV: What I'm saying is if you understand how these waves of energy happen, it's the greatest time in human history to build wealth for your family, to get them out of that just overbroke paradigm. So we've studied the waves of energy by studying Ray Dalio and understanding where we're heading in the economy.

    [00:22:10] Coach JV: There's going to be. Everything's going to shift in the economy, right? The way that the American dollar is, is,~ uh,~ showing up the way that,~ um,~ money moves through the system, the way that people invest,~ uh,~ cryptocurrency blockchain AI technology. And so the middle class really has to wake up that there's an opportunity for them to get involved.

    [00:22:27] Coach JV: Main street involved in wall street. That's why they flooded us out of crypto. And there's another part of it too, that like, we got to get our shit together, man, specifically in America. So that's, that's a reader's digest version of where we're at in America right now.

    [00:22:38] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah. Okay. Well, so let's, let's break some of this down because you said you kind of ended there with, we got to get personally, we got to get right. So let's let, let's use that as a caveat here. Cause we just kind of came out of some of the personal stuff. What do you mean that we got to get right?

    [00:22:52] Chaz Wolfe: Like singularly first, you're talking about internal, you're talking about my mind, you're talking about my bank account, what are you talking about?

    [00:22:57] Coach JV: Yeah. So I call it the five pre framework. First, first is foundational, right? So foundation is what I talked about. You have to discover where, where did you learn about money? What, what is your belief system around money? So my parents would say money doesn't grow on trees. Yeah, it does. It's, it's paper, right?

    [00:23:11] Coach JV: I didn't realize that money is just debt. I didn't even know that, but I had to rewire first. You have to rewire your belief system around money and you have to go deep and to find out how did your money, how'd your parents speak about money? Okay. We're your grandparents. Wealthy. Were your parents wealthy?

    [00:23:22] Coach JV: Did they talk about investing or they say, go to school, get a job, get a 401k, but going to school, getting a job, getting a 401k. That's a strategy of hope. You're hoping that the market is going to be in alignment when you retire. That doesn't sound like retirement to me or planning, right? So we never take the time to learn.

    [00:23:39] Coach JV: Step two is financial literacy. You have to understand. What is a bank? How does a bank work? How do they make money? Interest, income, fee, income, and capital markets, income. What happens to your money when it goes into a bank? They lend it out to the next person walking in, right? We have to understand that money is debt.

    [00:23:52] Coach JV: So my income is your debt. Your debt is my income. There is no money in the system. So we have to understand also that night from 1913, the financial literacy, since the federal reserve was created, the U S dollars collapsed 90%. 9%. Right. So now, you know, we rewire the foundation. We develop financial literacy.

    [00:24:08] Coach JV: We know what money is. Then we have to start to learn how to become disciplined budgeting, right? Looking at, do I really need this or do I want this right? And really changing our frame of mind. Then the next step we teach people is how to create income. How do you create income? Well, maybe you're not an entrepreneur and you want to have a job, but you should always pay yourself first when you pay yourself.

    [00:24:27] Coach JV: Where should you pay yourself? Right? So you have, you have crypto, you have stocks, everybody's telling you the next, next best thing. And after you learn to earn, this is the key that you have to learn how to protect. Compound and grow. And so those are the steps that we've gone through and it's radically changed our lives.

    [00:24:42] Coach JV: You know, we went from broke on the parents couch to, you know, three coming up on three, seven figure ecosystems. And I have a Rockefeller trust set up. My family for generations is set up. It's cause that it was that deep commitment to change. It was like, it's, and it's not that difficult. Once you get into it, it's a very simple strategy.

    [00:24:57] Coach JV: You got cryptocurrency. That's going to go parabolic on the straight up on the back end of this year. But what goes up must come down really hard. And we always say, buy the rumors, sell the news. When the news is telling you to get in, you should have been out days ago, if that makes sense.

    [00:25:11] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah. Yeah. There's, there's a, there's an element here that you went through faster. I want to, I want to come back because I've actually taught this exact,~ um,~ formula even to kids in, in schools, which is, you know, we typically go to work, you spend your time, that equals money. And then we spend it. And so I draw it out on the board for the kids and, and they all understand, like, yes, that's how money works.

    [00:25:31] Chaz Wolfe: Okay, cool. And so what if. At the end of the month, you don't have any more money. And what do you, what do you have to do now? We have to go back to work. Same, same equation. Time equals money. Spend it all on the stuff. Okay. Got it. But what you've suggested, which is the same thing that I helped the kids understand, this is not like a well known thing, even with adults.

    [00:25:48] Chaz Wolfe: So I want to press into this. You're basically suggesting like when I earn before I spend, I'm asking myself some questions here. Do I need it? Do I want it? I love that with those funds. I'm going to, instead of sending it over to spend, I'm going to push it down or up into an investment first. Let that invest investment pay me and then pay for my stuff.

    [00:26:09] Chaz Wolfe: Give us a little coach JV

    [00:26:11] Coach JV: we always pay yourself first every single time. So Wednesdays and Friday, I get paid dividends into my freedom at, for my, to my companies. It's a ritual. I wake up, I'm like, boom, we got to move the money. It has to move. I have to pay myself first. So the reason, cause when you start to pay yourself first, it eliminates any frivolous spending it's out, right?

    [00:26:29] Coach JV: Cause what happens if you don't pay yourself first, then it gets in the account, you pay your bills and then what's left. You're always the last on the totem pole. You have to flip it. You have to flip it. Also the energy behind money. This is something that a lot of people don't talk about is money is just a frequency.

    [00:26:45] Coach JV: It's currency. So if you are the last on the totem pole, guess what money thinks? I'm always going to pay you last. I'm always going to take care of you last, but money is a resource. It's a currency. So when you're investors, people who save and invest, they actually make more money. It's a conscious effort.

    [00:27:01] Coach JV: So when you're putting money and it's like, you think differently amount of money. So when you go to spend your money or go to buy a new pair of Jordans or whatever people purchase, they're like, wait a minute, that's 160 bucks. I could put that into a token right now and get 5, 000. coins, whatever it is, right?

    [00:27:14] Coach JV: So paying yourself first, not only changes your frame of mind, but it also reduces,~ um,~ your, your, it reduces your ability to spend on things that you don't need. Also, another thing is too, you realize that you have to budget. People are spending way too much money now. It's kind of. Tough environment saying that right now, cause lots change in 24 months, right?

    [00:27:32] Coach JV: Inflation. I get it. You know, there's some dual family homes right now. They can't even buy groceries. So I I'm cautious saying that I get that. I totally get that. Okay. So if you have two cars as a family, a husband and wife, can you go down to one? Can you do public transportation? ~Um, ~can you get rid of.

    [00:27:47] Coach JV: Both cars and drive a hooptie for a while. Maybe you mess. I mean, I'm not going to hate saying this, but like, maybe you need to mess up your credit a little bit to start saving a little bit. I mean, I know that's,~ uh,~ you have to get out of all this. The American dream is dead. This barring against your future self, a 72 month for a.

    [00:28:02] Coach JV: Loan for a car, right? Which is a liability. And that's what I teach my son, my daughter, liabilities and assets, right? Every vehicle I drive is paid for by a company or an asset, right? And so we have to really reframe, reframe that people. And because it's the first thing I hear, well, I don't have any money to invest.

    [00:28:16] Coach JV: Everybody does. So let me just tell you a personal story. So I was broke on my parents couch. Would they shut our business down? We had our business was all encompassed. Everything was inside of a facility here. So it was physical. So the gym part, they made a shutter whole business down because of the pen to, so it shut down our whole ecosystem.

    [00:28:31] Coach JV: I was like, okay, so my revenue went from two zero basically. Right. So I was investing in crypto. So I was like, okay, I had no income coming in. So a Gary Vee, he had this,~ uh,~ 20, 000 flip challenge or whatever. So I was like, I'm going to do this. So I started going on Facebook marketplace. I got a vacuum. I flipped a vacuum.

    [00:28:49] Coach JV: I made 10 bucks. I put it into XRP. I flipped a couch. I cleaned it up, made a hundred bucks. I'm like, there's money everywhere. Someone wanted their yard clean. I went and cleaned their yard and made 20 bucks, 30 bucks. I went from nothing to 10, 000 in crypto. Then went to the bull run and I just kept repeating.

    [00:29:06] Coach JV: So people tell me, when people tell me there's no money, I literally come hang out with me for a day and I'll show you there's money.

    [00:29:11] Coach JV: every where It's, it's because we've been trained to think that it's just this go to it's trading time for money. If you're trading time for money, you'll always be in the, in the rat race.

    [00:29:20] Coach JV: Warren Buffett says, in order to become wealthy, you have to make money while you sleep. So people have to really, you have to buckle down for a while. I mean, I've been buckled down for, this is year four and. Four years of just going all in and paying myself first. Now I'm starting to head into, we call it the, I call it the generational wealth cycle.

    [00:29:36] Coach JV: Now I'm in an asset bubble. Now I'm like, now every move I make is putting into assets. If I want to buy something, I borrow from the asset to buy a liability. Right. And so, and I got there because another place that's really cool is in a library. It's free. I had a library card and I read, I read every book I could on wealth.

    [00:29:52] Coach JV: And I was like, Oh, it's all right here. Right. And then, you know, then I started spending money on mentorships, Alex or Mosey, all these different people. And I'm like, wow. Okay. So yeah, I think that's the biggest thing. That's a big, first thing I get. Why don't have the money to invest everybody? There's money everywhere.

    [00:30:07] Chaz Wolfe: That's right. You've mentioned books,~ uh,~ before we hit the record button, you'd kind of slighted a little title in there that I also find very fond. ~Um, ~you know, and, and so, and a lot of the principles that you've mentioned here,~ um,~ come from the richest man in Babylon. So talk, talk about the principles in this book.

    [00:30:21] Chaz Wolfe: I mean, they're basically what you've been saying, but any, any highlight to the book and anything that the listener could get out of that, the, what

    [00:30:26] Coach JV: Yeah. Yeah. Richest man in Bama. Simplistically, it's kind of a harder book to read. If you know, it's like you got to really digest it. So basically every time you get, so if you get 10 bucks, you make 10 bucks, you want to birth a brother or sister from that 10. Right. So for me, like that's, that's my strategy in cryptocurrency.

    [00:30:41] Coach JV: When everybody's excited and getting in, I've already sold four times on the way up. When I pull, I don't go buy Lambos and Ferraris. I go take that money and I secure my money and I secure it in things that I can actually borrow So now I've taken 10 bucks, say I made 10 bucks in the crypto market. I take out 50 percent profit.

    [00:30:58] Coach JV: I put the 5 into, I use insurance investments, insure my money. Then I borrow against OPM, the insurance cash value. And now I've made money three ways. So that 10 bucks that went into crypto now made me five. I put into insurance product and I can borrow maybe 90 percent of the cash value. And then I go buy a cash generating asset.

    [00:31:14] Coach JV: Now it's four. So every time you get money, that's what the banks do. It's the exact same thing. The banks do. Mrs. Jones puts in her 10 bucks. She, they lend it out to the next person walking in nine bucks. That's it. That's it. That 9 gets lent to the next person or 8 and her money now changed hands nine times without no new money creation.

    [00:31:32] Coach JV: And that's why I tell people you have to understand what money is called fractional reserves, right? And I think in a checking account now, it's zero, they'll, they can lend out a hundred percent of your money. So everything we buy or everything we, so you, so I think it was, Grant Cardone that said, he said, wealthy people buy.

    [00:31:46] Coach JV: Stuff or, or,~ uh,~ get credit that they working poor by and working poor by get credit. That makes the wealthy wealthier. Right. So that is a tool. It's an instrument to, cause I'm kind of a mix of all these different rights. So I'm like, I'm not big on credit card debt and things like that. Any debt that I have is actually generating income.

    [00:32:03] Coach JV: If that makes sense.

    Hey Kings and Queens, Chaz Wolf. I want to talk to you about something that's super important to me. We put a lot of time and effort, we meaning myself and my team into this podcast, into the content that goes out every single day. And if you have been getting any sort of value or insight from this, we want it to be able to reach other business owners too.

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    [00:32:51] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah. Yeah. I think that that's a wise move. I mean, the, the, the principle of just taking money first, paying yourself first, you know, the book talks about a 10 percent going into your purse and, and, and then the purse gets big enough to then you make an investment. And so, ~uh, ~whether it's in crypto, whether it's in real estate, I've done this multiple times over.

    [00:33:09] Chaz Wolfe: In fact, I'm, I'm in the middle of one of these little purse builds where what you just said is like, okay, I sold my truck. ~Um, ~to one of my companies and,~ uh,~ I have not had a car in almost a year. I've had a couple of buddies that were like, wait, what? I mean, I could go buy pretty much any car I wanted to.

    [00:33:29] Chaz Wolfe: And they're like, wait a second. You, you don't have a car. I was like, well, first off, I don't go anywhere. Like. I run all of my companies right here and I spend my time with my family here. My wife's here every now and then I might go a couple of places and I use my wife's vehicle. So what, first off, why do I need one?

    [00:33:44] Chaz Wolfe: That's just me being an essentialist. Number two is I, there's this, if you compound that a hundred thousand dollars. In the initial investment over the course of not only just my 50 years of that investment, whatever that's going to be crypto or real estate or whatever, but if then it gets passed on to my children and my grandchildren, we're talking millions of dollars that I'm deciding on a vehicle.

    [00:34:05] Chaz Wolfe: It's like, ah, I think I'll go with the millions for now.

    [00:34:08] Coach JV: Yeah. And then we start to understand entrepreneurship. For example, we just, I could either give a certain amount to Biden taxes or I could have bought the car I just bought and got a, you know, the, with the tax code, I don't know what, which tax code is, I think it's one. 179. Yep. So basically I was able to write off a crap to buy a really cool car.

    [00:34:28] Coach JV: 6, 000 pounds. I'm like either I give it to them. So now we're like, okay, so how can we mitigate tax burdens? Right? So now we just create a C corp. So, and the game is designed. I always, when I look at it, it's designed for us to put money into the economy, right? Cause if I, am I, they're going to give That much to the tax people where I go buy a car, that there's a person working at the dealership.

    [00:34:47] Coach JV: There's a person that built the dealership. There's a person who builds the tires. So I always look at it as people get so caught up in taxes. It's like, I'm able to put money back into the economy now. I wish I could have kept that, that amount. But when you start to learn the game, it's like the game is not rigged against you.

    [00:35:00] Coach JV: It's. It's, it's rigged for you to win, to create, to be an entrepreneur, to create money, to be an investor. Right. But I also cautiously caution people in this, these economic times right now, like, especially if you're getting into crypto, man, it's like, it's so, it's so speculative and you have to have an exit plan.

    [00:35:16] Coach JV: I tell every person getting a crypto, you have to have an exit plan because it's unrealistic from 2020 to 2022. I made more in crypto than I would have made my whole life as an executive. At a bank, a VP. I was like that, this is not, and I was like, this is not natural. Get your money out. And that's, that's what made us rich.

    [00:35:34] Coach JV: And now we're heading into wealth. I was like, cause I pulled profits. And then 2022, I can't, it seemed like it was a overnight, but I remember I woke up and my portfolio was down. The 50 percent I kept was down 85%. And I was like, this is completely unnatural. Then we got really strict with our investments, right?

    [00:35:49] Coach JV: So we, we do ladders on the way out. So if people are getting into crypto, be very cautious, have a game plan. Right. Don't, don't mortgage your, these people, like some influencers are teaching people to like do a loan on your credit card and get, I'm like, don't play games with credit to like, if you don't know how to use credit to, to, to make more money like that, I wouldn't play games with that.

    [00:36:10] Coach JV: I just wanted to put that caveat out there. I do use cryptocurrency. I have gotten very wealthy off of it, but you gotta be, you have to have a solid game plan and good people around you as well.

    [00:36:18] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah. Let's keep the train going on the crypto. We've got the, the Bitcoin having coming up here in five days. I know you talk a lot about that in your content. How does that affect crypto? How does that affect our economy? What do you say? What do you say?

    [00:36:29] Coach JV: Yeah. So, so just to start with Bitcoin specifically, so you have Bitcoin, then you have alternative coins. So everything outside of Bitcoin is an alt alt coin, right? So Bitcoin is the driver of the market. It was created in 2019 by some synonymous person, Satoshi Nakamoto, which is pretty wild, but every four years they go through what's called a Bitcoin halving.

    [00:36:45] Coach JV: So it creates a supply and demand issue. So this Saturday on the 20th, the supply is going to get cut in half that can be mined. So what's wild about this asset too, is that 80 percent of the supply has not moved. That's completely unnatural with an investment. Number two is it's, there's a fixed supply.

    [00:37:03] Coach JV: No more of it can be printed. Right. And then every four years, the supply decreases.

    [00:37:07] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah. It gets harder.

    [00:37:08] Coach JV: it's yes. And it's doing something crazy. It's a risk on and risk off asset. So when there's high risk, people are going into it. And when there's low risk, people are going into it. So it's like, It's like nothing we've ever experienced before.

    [00:37:21] Coach JV: So what happens is the Bitcoin having organically, it's like, there'll be a little bit with the war narrative though, that pulled that crypto,~ um,~ because that organically happens, right? So there'll be probably a little pullback this week. ~Um, ~the Bitcoin having to happen in about 90 days. I remember it was like October.

    [00:37:34] Coach JV: I think it was. August, September, October, and 2020, when it started going straight up, crypto, we'll just start going straight up. Bitcoin will go straight up. And then those profits flood into alternative coins. So from like 2024 back end, and then if they lower interest rates before the presidential election, that's going to make real estate go through the roof.

    [00:37:51] Coach JV: Assets go through the roof. Everybody will flood out of the U S dollar into assets. And then 2024 back end in a 2025 is what's called the bull run. But I, everybody's like, when's the bull run going to end? I'm like, please don't focus on that. Focus on setting exit targets that make you feel comfortable.

    [00:38:05] Coach JV: Get your initial investment out. So you're good. Now you're like, you walked into a casino and you played a roulette. If you put down a thousand dollars and you win 2000 pull your thousand off the table, then when you start winning, getting a free cocktails, have a few drinks, take some profits off the table.

    [00:38:19] Coach JV: Now, when you lost your money, you actually have your money and you have a little bit of house money on the table. And I do the same thing with crypto. And so I pull profits. And so, cause people like they, they get the greed gene. They think it's going to keep going up. And it doesn't like the dogecoin millionaire.

    [00:38:31] Coach JV: I think he made like 3. 5 million. He's a 50, 000 there now. Like, and he admits that he's like, I should have pulled profits. You know, it was, he made 3 million in dogecoin. Never pulled profits.

    [00:38:41] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah, yeah, this is, this is a principle that I, I too learned. ~Um, ~luckily,~ uh,~ well, I, I caught the first run that I caught. I did not do this. And then it went and it was just like, Oh, okay. Wow. There's this thing called greed. And it's like, well, I didn't think I had greed, but I don't, I don't know the actual definition of greed, but in my mind, when I, what I learned about investing was that if I'm not, if I don't have a plan and I'm just hoping for it to go up and up and up and up and up and up and up That's all it truly is, is greed, really,~ um,~ rather than calculated plan.

    [00:39:12] Chaz Wolfe: And so the second time when it went up in 2020,~ um,~ I was ready and it was like, boom, boom, boom, all the way up until I got completely out. And,~ um,~ and so I think that, that you're spot on from an angle of, of advice, but it's really just. Applicable to all investments. You should be,

    [00:39:28] Coach JV: All investments.

    [00:39:29] Chaz Wolfe: yeah, you should be looking at your business.

    [00:39:31] Chaz Wolfe: You should be looking at your, your real estate and it should be paying you first and you should be taking profits off the table so that you can keep things, you know, ~uh, uh, ~less risky.

    [00:39:39] Coach JV: Yes. I tell everybody, I say, have an exit plan and everything in life, except your relationships.

    [00:39:44] Chaz Wolfe: Ooh.

    [00:39:45] Coach JV: I've said have an exit plan. So I have an exit plan in my, all my businesses, I have an exit plan in crypto. I have an exit plan, you know, and then all my exit plans go into insure my wealth. I put my money into insurance, right?

    [00:39:55] Coach JV: And so like I ensure I do what the wealthy do. I put my money, I ensure my life and I ensure my wealth. So anything I exit goes into my insurance, goes into my insurance. And then I have the Rockefeller trust is called the waterfall system. So like, I'm all about generational. Like I was like, if I'm drawing a line in the sand, like the Grand Canyon, we're not going back.

    [00:40:10] Coach JV: Like I will make sure when I'm passing that my kids, kids, kids, kids will be wealthy. And there's parameters that I put on that trust. Like 50 percent goes to my kids. 50 percent goes in the dynasty. I put all kinds of rules on that money. Like there has to be financial literacy there. There's all, it's really cool.

    [00:40:23] Coach JV: And that's, that's a neat thing about this where, where, cause I feel like we come here to make an impact and I feel like. As I pass that, that's a way I can make an impact as I'm leaving this earth, that, that I have a Rockefeller trust to set up for a thousand years. And based on the way it's set up, it replenishes itself over and over and over again.

    [00:40:39] Coach JV: And that gets exciting. It makes, it makes investing fun. It's not just like I'm investing. It's like I'm manifesting for a new life or however this works. I don't know. I believe in God. I don't know what happens after we die. I'm not, but I'm, I'm. You know, I'm hoping I go to heaven, but,~ um,~ but if I do come back, at least I left an impact or maybe that energy is still here, but I, so for me, it's getting really fun because it's like, man, I went from broke on my parents couch to a dynasty Rockefeller trust and anybody, the, the whole, why I bring that up is not to brag is to show people what is possible.

    [00:41:07] Coach JV: I believe truly that all possibilities exist. You just have to access that field of energy and you have to put in the work to get there.

    [00:41:14] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah. How could one, you know, I mean, kind of going back maybe over to the, to the spiritual connection side here, but accessing the energy, you know, there, there's, there's the subconscious training, right. That we kind of already mentioned. We didn't really go into that much, but you know, I mean, we can read think and grow rich.

    [00:41:32] Chaz Wolfe: It literally gives a playbook inside of the book. As far as like, you should write this down and read it out loud every single day, morning and night. Like. There's some pretty basic practical subconscious training tools out there, including that one. And then as far as like accessing, you know, the spiritual or accessing what you, you and I would consider maybe,~ uh,~ our God given talent or our ability to connect is that, is that just a quiet space for you?

    [00:41:55] Chaz Wolfe: Is that, is that,~ uh,~ a mixture with a visualization that is kind of, ~um, ~you know, work through from Napoleon Hill. Like, what, what does that look for? Look for, look like for you. Right.

    [00:42:06] Coach JV: again, I loved you and it's, it's awesome. The secret was designed from the Bible, I believe it was a dumbed down version of the Bible. Like the way they said it, like, you know, they, Jesus said, take no thought. He says it all the time. He said, if the IB signal your body is filled with light.

    [00:42:19] Coach JV: Right. And what does it mean when your pineal gland, when you go into, when you close your eyes and you go into darkness. Your pineal gland activates when your pineal gland activates. That's when the manifestation happened. Your true self, your conversation with God is when you open your eyes and what you're seeing within your reality.

    [00:42:32] Coach JV: And they've taught us it's outside and it's actually inside out. That's what manifestation is. Your reticular activating system is a guidance system. So it's your RAS, right? So it's guiding you. So if I have a vision board and I'm writing down my goals, which is an activity I do, and I ha if I'm planting the seeds and God will do what he, it, whatever you believe in, God will do what it needs to do.

    [00:42:52] Coach JV: Sometimes there's a roadblock. Just like your GPS, you're cruising along. And the GPS says, go left. We trust the GPS, but we don't trust God. Like all of a sudden a business fall COVID hits, they shut my business down. Right. It's like, I just trust it. I'm like, Hey, this is your plan. I don't know what, and then all of a sudden this awakening happened inside of me.

    [00:43:09] Coach JV: So my patterns for me is it's really important when you wake up and when you're going to bed, right? Those first 15 minutes, your brain isn't what's called data. It's a programming state. Right? So right when you wake up, what does everybody do? They pick up their phone and look at social right. When I wake up, I'll go to the bathroom and then I go right into my visualization.

    [00:43:24] Coach JV: I'm connecting to the field and frequency of all possibilities. So I'm very specific on where I'm going. Like the farm that I live on, my kids each have a house. The ecosystem is taken care of. We're financially free. I'm spending time with people I love and I reverse engineer that. So as I come back into conscious awareness, when I open my eyes, then I have to do the activities that align with that feeling and frequency.

    [00:43:43] Coach JV: That's the decisions that I make the, how I treat my partner, how I treat my family, how I run my businesses. Right. And then throughout the day, I'm making sure that the activities I'm doing are in alignment with the goal. Right. So that's, so there's the, the mental. Then there's the physical part. Faith without works is foolish.

    [00:44:00] Coach JV: But then there's also the moving from you talked about courage. And I wanted to bring that up is that the way that our world is designed right now is we're living in force, which creates inactivity, right? So forces, greed, anger, jealousy, world war three, all this stuff happening. Well, they push us so deep into that, that we become inactive or we're hyperactive.

    [00:44:19] Coach JV: We're moving too much. And we're trying to justify things by movement. You brought it up in the beginning, which was beautifully talked about when we're talking like courage when you develop courage to go after your dreams to draw a line in the sand. It's spiritual. It actually it doesn't matter what God you believe in.

    [00:44:33] Coach JV: But if you're have the courage to speak your truth, be authentic, filled with gratitude and unconditionally loving for yourself and others, you're You'll ascend into a higher level of energy and frequency. And there's just a big shift in the energy field just recently. And that has to do with war and all those things.

    [00:44:47] Coach JV: And so it's not that one human being is greater than the other. We are all equally important under God's eyes. In my opinion, it's what level of possibility and what energy are you willing to access the activities you do, but most of all the thoughts that you have.

    [00:44:59] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah. You know, it's interesting. ~Um, ~as we, you know, the, the thoughts and even the meditations, like the, the obsessions, right. ~Um, ~that, that we have,~ uh,~ and, and going biblical for a second, like I think of the Psalms and I think of David and I think of him being a man after God's own heart and how a lot of the time he just spent.

    [00:45:16] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah. Time with God, and, and we know this as believers, we know this, but it's like, no, in, in, in actuality, he was doing everything that you just described and creating a, a connection that allowed him to, to literally be able to say, should I go after him? And he, God says Yes. Like

    [00:45:35] Coach JV: Well, think about this too, that Jesus said, when they ask him, who, who is the ruler? He said, the devil is the prince of the earth, right? So if that's true, if you believe what Jesus said, the devil's a prince of the earth, then everything they're doing within the physical world is all the stuff to keep us trapped in, in, in action and force, right?

    [00:45:51] Coach JV: So if you just reverse engineer and invert it, just like Jesus did. These wise men knew where to go to find this guy, right? Jesus, he leaves for 18 years, gone for 18 years. He comes back on a donkey wearing Birkenstocks and a sheet around him. So think about that for just a moment. He was so humbled, whatever he learned for those 18 years. I'm not, we won't go into that, but he comes back and he inverts all the teachings, flips it on everybody. He was not religious. He was going from village to village and he was empowering people. He took undisciplined people and made them disciples.

    [00:46:22] Coach JV: He took me and you broken ass people, drug addicts like me, the, and he was like, listen, JV, what are you doing to get your shit together? Who cares what all these other people are doing? You're going in and out of church on Wednesday and Sunday, but your activities don't match your behavior. The, what you're saying you want, I want you to get your shit together.

    [00:46:39] Coach JV: And he picked on all these unlikely characters to come together and their, their, their iniquities pissed each other off and he would get them together and they would bounce on them and they had to figure it out. Right. And they're like, wait a minute. And then he takes these 12 disciples and he goes, now you're going to heal people. Like now you're gonna, I got stuff to do. You're going to go heal people. We got to do this together. And that's, that's where I think we're in this polarizing moment in America, where people are going to wake up to this man, that we do have the power to stand up, that we do have the power and empowerment, not power over people, but the empowerment within ourselves.

    [00:47:11] Coach JV: You know, Trump coming back, isn't going to change my activities and behaviors. was able to become a millionaire with, with Biden in office. Everybody's complaining about Biden. I'm not saying I wouldn't rather have another president. I'm not going to get into politics, but I'm saying, what I'm saying is Biden didn't stop me from becoming a millionaire.

    [00:47:27] Coach JV: I was broke on my parents couch. Biden didn't wake me up in the morning to go do my stuff. Biden didn't take care of my family, but Biden didn't develop my principles. And I truly believe that's what Christ Jesus was saying. Like. Get your shit together. Like I really, I say when I, I talk to him all the time, I talk to God and God's like, JB, come on, you're slipping, man.

    [00:47:43] Coach JV: Let's go. It has nothing to do with you or, or anybody else. Nobody's doing anything to me other than what I'm doing to myself. And so, so I didn't mean to go on a tangent with that, but I just thought about that cause he comes, comes back on a donkey, man. And I'm like humbled. He's like, what are we doing?

    [00:47:57] Coach JV: Like, come on guys. So

    [00:48:00] Chaz Wolfe: I mean, you're right. That was his message. I mean, it's kingdom come like, Hey, get ready, get ready. And even before that, you know, the, the predecessor before him and John the Baptist, so all of this to say, you've got somebody listening here today. Who's most likely an entrepreneur, probably a pretty successful one.

    [00:48:17] Chaz Wolfe: And, and they're like, okay. Wow. They've talked about a lot here that we've talked about mindset. We've talked to a spiritual, we've talked to crypto. ~Um, ~things are kind of shaky right now, especially with the stuff that just happened this past weekend in the war or in, in,~ uh,~ in the world with potential war,~ uh,~ you know, spreading, what does somebody go do after they turn this podcast off to go to the next level in their business, in their life?

    [00:48:39] Chaz Wolfe: I mean, first off, I want to give them a chance to get in touch with you. So I'll get that in here in a second. But from like a practical, they just click off and then they're going to go, what, what, what would you say? You got to get this first in order.

    [00:48:51] Coach JV: Yeah. One thing. So when I coach people, I'm like, Hey, co principles, what are your principles? What, what are you going to be defined as? And from there you build out. First of all, it's principles first. Like, what are your principles? And you have to stand on those principles that you need to spend some time on these.

    [00:49:06] Coach JV: Like when I developed these, I was like, I will not bend. I will not waiver. Once I developed my principles, I looked at my life. And asked myself, is my life in alignment with my principles? And it wasn't, it was embarrassing. I was like, wow, you say this JV, you're doing all these tick tocks, you're doing all this shit.

    [00:49:20] Coach JV: But if I really look at your life, it's not aligned with these principles. So then you build behaviors and activities that align with your principles. From there, you start to become a visionary. You look and you say, okay, what feeling do you want to create? Like, what do you, I always say billion dollar ecosystem boldly.

    [00:49:34] Coach JV: And I already know what it feels like, what it looks like, touch, feel. And then you go back down. What are the daily activities you need to do to get there? Right from there as well, as an entrepreneur for freedom, you have to scale, you have to scale. And that's how people are like, well, how do you get off at two?

    [00:49:48] Coach JV: I scaled my businesses. I scaled all my businesses and I found other amazing human beings. I took them out of force. I brought them into power to believe in themselves and I empowered them. They're never going to do it a hundred percent like I would, but they're, they're not me. And so I brought people who are way better than me and scale because I think for entrepreneurs, we it's our baby, right?

    [00:50:07] Coach JV: It's, it's like a child, your businesses, your all my Businesses are children, right? But just like a child, you got to, you got to bring them up. You got to push them out and you got to let them go. Right. And so I think that's a big, so define your principles, create a vision, backwards engineering to those daily activities as entrepreneurs.

    [00:50:22] Coach JV: Often we get in this like rut, we're doing the same thing over and over again. You have to always assess every quarter. Me and my team sit down and we, we assess where are we at? What do we need to. Change and don't throw the baby out with the bathwater, right? If something's going off, it's usually something either.

    [00:50:36] Coach JV: It could be economic, but it's usually just something you have to like dial in just a little bit. Right. So I would say principles. Create the big vision backwards, engineering to daily activities, and then have faith, like absolute faith. Like I'm telling you, like moving from faith to knowing, like, I know that everything I'm doing today is in alignment with what God wants for me tomorrow.

    [00:50:57] Coach JV: And every night I go to bed, I sleep very well. Cause I'm like, Hey, if things aren't going well and you know, sometimes, you know, some businesses are struggling, but it's a wave of energy. If there's something happening within the economy, but I know that I'm doing what I need to do and having no, and instead of operating in the stress and anxiety, that's not going to get you anywhere.

    [00:51:13] Coach JV: And that goes into energy and vibration. If you know, and you trust that everything is taken care of and that you can do all the things you can do to be present, but also faith without works is foolish. So it was a lot, but I hope that that makes sense.

    [00:51:23] Chaz Wolfe: it's good, man. I just wanted to give them a chance of to not only hear it, but like be able to go do it. But if they want your help doing all of those things that you just said, they obviously need to reach out to you. We're going to put it in the show notes, but give us just a quick, easy way for them to be able to find you and potentially get your help doing this.

    [00:51:40] Coach JV: Yeah. Super grateful. So it's three T as in Tom warrior academy. com. ~Uh, ~three T as in Tom warrior academy. com. All our information will come up or coach JV like junior varsity. ~Um, ~and everything will be on there if you type that in Google and yeah, we'd be grateful to help anybody, but very grateful to be here, man.

    [00:51:55] Coach JV: Thank you.

    [00:51:55] Chaz Wolfe: That's awesome, man. I think that,~ uh,~ I mean, first off the, the intentionality, the word intentionality, it's been a part of a lot of what I've done and what even Gathering the Kings has been and what we're helping other people do. But the, the, the practical, how do I go actually be intentional? And I think you've given so many,~ uh,~ nuggets on that.

    [00:52:15] Chaz Wolfe: ~Um, ~So much so to where they should, they should definitely check out your information and we'll put it in the show notes. ~Um, ~like I said, a couple of years ago when I first saw you, it was like, Oh, okay, this is good. I love the crypto stuff. I love the, you know, macroeconomic stuff. ~Um, ~I'm always trying to pay attention to the waves.

    [00:52:28] Chaz Wolfe: Things are moving, especially talking about energy. It's like, dude. I'm trying to, I'm trying to make sure I'm in the right frequency constantly. And so, ~um, ~all right, man, well, this has been incredible. I'm sure this relationship is going to only flourish from here, but you have been a blessing to the listeners.

    [00:52:42] Chaz Wolfe: Thank you for spending your time and hopefully just,~ uh,~ creating a frequency with me that is pretty unique. I appreciate you.

    [00:52:48] Coach JV: I love it. Thank you so much. Appreciate you brother.

    [00:52:50] Chaz Wolfe: Thank you for listening to Gathering the Kings today. I hope that you were able to pull out a few nuggets to go apply into your business right away. More importantly, though, I hope that you're realizing that it takes more to be successful than just being by yourself, doing it all on your own, carrying the weight all by yourself.

    [00:53:07] Chaz Wolfe: What I have realized, not only in my own journey from multiple businesses and multiple different industries, and now interviewing over 200 or Other very successful seven, eight, and nine figure business owners is that it's tough to do it alone. And so gathering the Kings exists to bring together successful entrepreneurs.

    [00:53:25] Chaz Wolfe: In fact, we are putting together 1000 Kings specifically who are grateful, but not done. We're intentionally assembling Kings who fight tooth and nail for their business, family, and communities. And here's what we believe that in the pursuit of excellence in those areas, That it ignites within us, the responsibility to govern power and forge a lasting legacy.

    [00:53:49] Chaz Wolfe: So if that relates and resonates with you, and you know, that you need people around you, sharp, qualified, other very successful business owners. I want you to go to gatheringthekings. com. Once you take a look at what we're doing and see if it makes sense for you to be part of our pursuit to 1000 Kings talk soon.

Coach JV (John Vasquez) is a former banking VP turned founder of the 3T Warrior Academy. Coach JV has helped thousands of people achieve freedom in mindset, health, and wealth. With over 2,000,000 followers, he's a powerhouse content creator and a leader in the crypto space. Coach JV shares his remarkable journey from being broke on his parents' couch to building multiple seven-figure ecosystems and establishing a Rockefeller Trust for his family's future. He dives deep into macroeconomics, discussing the challenges facing the middle class and why an annual income of $160,000 is now needed to maintain middle-class status in America. Tune in to learn how to navigate the economic shifts and build wealth as an entrepreneur in today's dynamic economy.

Coach JV (John Vasquez):






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