472 | Are you working Too Much? Take off 130 days Every Year! Rob Dube

  • [00:00:00] Chaz Wolfe: Have you worked a ton of hours and weekends on your business, but feel like you're spinning your wheels and nothing's improving fast enough? Or maybe you're wanting to take some days away from the business, spend some more time with your family, but you feel that the business is going to crumble without you.

    [00:00:14] Chaz Wolfe: Today, I bring an expert author and speaker that is here to help. Rob Dube is the co founder of ImageOne. now, teaming up with EOS founder Gino Wickman, Rob has started on an exciting new chapter, co founding the 10 Disciplines and co authoring their newest book, Shine.

    [00:00:30] Chaz Wolfe: Welcome to driven to win. This is the show for entrepreneurs who want to win in all areas and aren't afraid to do the work to get there. I'm your host, Chaz Wolfe. My mission on this show is to help entrepreneurs learn to grow and win in all areas.

    [00:00:43] Chaz Wolfe: In this episode, we discussed a better approach to running your business than the nonstop hustle culture that you see on social media, Rob's tips to pull your drive to win and succeed from a place of peace instead of chaos, and how to leverage the 10 disciplines framework to create more time and freedom in your business and life.

    [00:01:01] Chaz Wolfe: If you want to know how to win in your business while taking off 130 days every year, keep watching.

    [00:01:08] Chaz Wolfe: hey Kings and Queens, Chaz Wolf. I want to talk to you about something that's super important to me. We put a lot of time and effort, we meaning myself and my team into this podcast, into the content that goes out every single day. And if you have been getting any sort of value or insight from this, we want it to be able to reach other business owners too.

    [00:01:26] Chaz Wolfe: So we would love if you would like comment, share, leave a review, post, share again, all of the things. On social media on all the different platforms or even on the podcast mediums of apple and spotify We would love to be able to get our content into more hands more entrepreneurs So they can grow their business as quick as possible together We are building a community of like minded entrepreneurs who are committed to growing their businesses to new heights So let's do this.

    [00:01:53] Chaz Wolfe: Let's help each other grow

    We we see a lot of hustle culture In today's environment, and, and I know there like listener, please don't get me wrong here.

    [00:02:03] Chaz Wolfe: I work hard. You work hard. Rob works hard. Maybe Rob, maybe you say that differently now. I don't know. But, um, I think that there's a difference between hustle and grind versus I'm doing the things that are necessary to grow my business or my family or, you know, my faith or my health. There's a certain work ethic that, um, that I'm very much in tune with.

    [00:02:23] Chaz Wolfe: However, there's a, there's a different approach. That I think that you have that, that might be beneficial or maybe even more peaceful to the listener. Just what do you, what do you think of when you hear hustle

    [00:02:36] Rob Dube: for those listening, you, you know, you best. And so what you want to do is manage your energy. And so if hustle is for, is the best way for you to manage your energy, then hustle and whatever that means to you, you know, I would hear things like, well, everyone else is sleeping. I'm up doing this, that, and the other getting ahead.

    [00:03:01] Rob Dube: Uh, and so that to some may have become sort of a mantra, like that's what I'm supposed to do. And for you, that may be what you're supposed to do. But what I would also ask you to consider is maybe there's a different way. And I'll give you some ideas for what those are. Um, you can manage your energy by having a framework in your life.

    [00:03:24] Rob Dube: And when you have that framework in your life, you get something that's very important to you, which is your greatest asset that you have, which is time. That is your greatest asset, yet we give it away freely without giving any thought to it. We manage our financials more tightly than our time. When you have time back You begin to clear your mind and I always like to ask you, you know, is your mind busy?

    [00:03:57] Rob Dube: if I ask an audience that 100 percent of the hands go up because your mind is busy. My mind is busy jazz. I'm gonna assume your mind's busy Is it

    [00:04:08] Chaz Wolfe: Yep. Oh, yeah.

    [00:04:10] Rob Dube: right? So, you know, when, when we make decisions on a clear mind, we make better decisions. And when we make better decisions, You get to where you want to go faster because they're better decisions, which may mean you don't have to push the envelope on this idea of hustle.

    [00:04:32] Chaz Wolfe: .

    [00:04:32] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah. Well, I, first off, I appreciate that. Could just the context there. I think that you're right. That each individual person, which I love the individual, um, I guess self analysis is really what it is, is that the individual or the, the, the entrepreneur listening right now that is, you know, just started the company a couple of months ago, like, bro, you need more leads.

    [00:04:50] Chaz Wolfe: So you might need to be quote unquote hustling to get some leads, to get some things rolling. Uh, you shouldn't be, you know, You probably shouldn't have a four hour morning routine that, uh, includes meditation and, and a workout and, you know, peaceful thoughts on all these wonderful decisions you have. You, you just really have one decision.

    [00:05:08] Chaz Wolfe: It's where am I going to get a lead today? And so I think that context is huge. Um, and, and who we're talking to, right? So if you're listening right now and you're in the process of, you know, building, I think that that, that can be useful. But there's seasons there's, you know, there's also this understanding of where am I, what, what am I doing currently?

    [00:05:29] Chaz Wolfe: What's the most effective? I love how you used manage my energy. We only have so much energy. Where am I deploying that today? And it might be 80 percent of it here in this one little thing. And I got to go after it and I got to be really busy about this thing, whatever that is, I want to know what you think about this scenario.

    [00:05:44] Chaz Wolfe: I was telling you this morning, we were in our, uh, round table with gathering the Kings and, you know, all of our members there and just high level, you Uh, strategy and problem solving and just a really cool event. I'm still buzzing from it many hours later, but one of the guys that shared, he's really working through some of the seats in his business and he's handed off some operation stuff over the last couple of months and it's really freed him up, uh, to really focus.

    [00:06:06] Chaz Wolfe: He's doing a little bit more of the sales side. He's got some stuff working, but. The backend is like working a lot better now that he's put some systems and some right people in place. And it's just really, really cool to see it's only been a couple of months and he was really like trying to move on.

    [00:06:20] Chaz Wolfe: Like, okay, like how do I hire the sales guy? And how do I, you know, just the next thing. And he's got a, you know, going to be a multi seven figure business this year. And so it's not like a little bitty startup. Um, and one of the feedback, um, loops that he got today was. Of a guy saying, you know, Hey, you said at the beginning that your wife X, Y, Z, and that your, your kiddos X, Y, Z, and that those things were important to you, but we've talked a lot about you hiring this next position and where does that flow in and, and is that really even necessary right now?

    [00:06:50] Chaz Wolfe: And could you do the thing you're doing right now, while you're managing the thing that you just did two months ago, while being able to. Be present with your wife and with your kiddos, like you said at the beginning. And it was like that, that thing had been lost through all of the problem solving and business strategy.

    [00:07:05] Chaz Wolfe: And we're just trying to always grow. That's really what it is. That hustle is like, I just, I have to grow for the sake of growth. I like to grow in all areas. I'm obsessed with it. We've talked about this, but how do I, how do I take that desire for growth? Rob, but then recognize that maybe this season of growth looks like something a little different than quote unquote, maybe hustle.

    [00:07:28] Rob Dube: You know, just you out there listening is what do you want out of this life? You know, um, whose dream are you living? You know, someone shared that with me recently, and I love that. Know your 100%. And this is where you want to decide on and commit to the perfect number of hours per week and weeks per year, where you deliver your value, your greatest impact to the world. So back to your hustle question. Once you play around with what are my goals? Perfect number of hours per week for some people.

    [00:08:09] Rob Dube: That's 60 for some people. It's 35. So what do you want out of this life thinking about your, uh, mastermind person? Um, if you want, if, if part of his tenure thinking is having a really deep and loving relationship with his spouse and his two kids. Is 60, 70 hours going to get them there? It's going to suffer, you know, if you want your business to be a billion dollar business, well, you might need 60, 70 hours, but, but the family's probably going to suffer to her.

    [00:08:43] Rob Dube: So, so you have to start understanding, okay, what is it and bring it in, bring it in, maybe it's not a billion dollar business, maybe it's a 20 million dollar business, you know, but now I'm going to work 40 hours. Not 60, 70, 80, and I'm going to use my energy. I'm going to have maximized my energy when I'm during those 40 hours.

    [00:09:04] Rob Dube: So the rest of the time I have maximum energy for my spouse, for my kids. So I'm, as you said, so you are fully present with them. They feel that and a, a big thing that you know, your listener may relate to is not feeling present actually. Okay. You know, say you're with your family in body, but your mind is somewhere else thinking about the problems, challenges, or even the exciting things that are going on on the business side of things.

    [00:09:39] Rob Dube: And you, we want you to bring that in and be fully present because that's all anybody wants from you. They want your full presence, your true unconditional love.

    [00:09:49] Chaz Wolfe: yeah, that's true. That's true. It, they, the example there of something really exciting going on in business. I've said this story a couple of times here on the pod, but you know, I play Uno with my kids and other types of games like that. To me, you know. Although I'm competitive, uh, I'm not going to like dominate my four year old.

    [00:10:07] Chaz Wolfe: Um, although I do sometimes just to give them a little taste, but. The, the, I had to switch my brain from, I wasn't just playing Uno with my four year old because in comparison to closing another deal or interviewing, you know, Rob Dubay, like these are really exciting and, and a lot of dopamine over here for a builder like me.

    [00:10:27] Chaz Wolfe: And it's like, okay, this is interesting. I switched my mind over here. I'm not just playing a game of UNO. I'm building my son. Whoa. Okay. So how in this game now being present, like you're talking about, am I using the elements of winning and losing slash just being here with him, paying attention to his, how he's thinking, what he's doing?

    [00:10:47] Chaz Wolfe: Like, Okay. I'm like now building a human over here. I'm building a business. Great over here. I'm building my son. Whoa, this is awesome. All it is is a perspective change there. And then me being in the game,

    [00:10:58] Rob Dube: yeah,

    [00:10:58] Chaz Wolfe: literally, you know?

    [00:10:59] Rob Dube: yeah, that is beautiful, really it is, and it's, I've never heard it said that way, but I think for, for those listeners out there that have kids, you know, you, you really are building them up, uh, just through your presence, and you can reframe your mind the way Chaz is. Uh, sharing his story.

    [00:11:21] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah. I want to cap this off before we move on to the 10 disciplines and a little bit more detail. Um, we talk a lot in gathering the Kings, uh, in the community, of course here on the show around the exceptional life, and we've defined that as winning in all areas. And, and so. What I find though is that a lot of people are winning or they maybe feel like they're winning, but it's from a place of chaos, um, as a, as opposed to like having that drive that comes from like more what we're talking about, like a place of peace.

    [00:11:49] Chaz Wolfe: And so how would you subscribe or not subscribe, but how would you prescribe, uh, the, the recipe of winning or creating a drive to win, uh, from a place of peace rather than a place of

    [00:11:59] Rob Dube: Hmm. There's a lot to that. Um, it has a lot to do with being really clear about who you are and why you're doing what you're doing in this life. Um, you want to win in all areas of life and you're not going to, I'm sorry to send you the news. The universe has a way of, you know, uh, messing with our grand plans, but that's not losing.

    [00:12:25] Rob Dube: So, and I think. Chaz, I'm imagining that's what you mean. Um, because it's not going to all go perfectly, but every moment's a lesson. When we're in chaos,

    [00:12:36] Chaz Wolfe: joining

    [00:12:38] Rob Dube: on that because Every single person is their own unique situation, their own unique being. My sense about chaos is you're not peaceful.

    [00:12:50] Rob Dube: You don't feel clear. Uh, you're a little anxious or maybe out of control to a certain point. That's just the, these are the ways that I connect with chaos. And what I think you want is some peace, some clarity. And that begins with having a strong framework or foundation in how you live your life, which we're going to talk about with these 10 disciplines because that is what that is.

    [00:13:21] Rob Dube: And from there, now you have time, which I mentioned earlier, and then you have a clearer mind, which I mentioned earlier. And then you start to recognize when chaos is ensuing and you stop it Um,

    [00:13:36] Rob Dube: blessing part of it is you are visionary.

    [00:13:39] Rob Dube: You make a difference in your industry, in the world in general. You know, you're the workers, the doers, the get crap done people. But the curse is, you know, you're leaving a black trail behind you with your chaos and you're making the people around you, not just at your company. But those that mean so much to you, which could be if you're married spouse could be, you know, significant other, whatever kids, you know, you, you're leaving them a little shooken up and they can't keep up with you because you're in a small minority of the world, very small minority.

    [00:14:19] Rob Dube: And so you have to recognize that part of you. And once you start to bring awareness to that, you can make adjustments like that moment between stimulus and response that you, you and I were talking about earlier. And you start to make those adjustments. And that starts to bring some peace and reduces the chaos and you start to notice now this is where you're headed with your framework.

    [00:14:43] Rob Dube: You start to notice when you're making decisions from love or fear. Most of your decisions are being made from fear. As I mentioned about that, whose dream is this anyway? You're if that's the way you're playing. In other words, you're seeing outside successes.

    [00:15:02] Rob Dube: Like, let's say you're in your, let's say you are in a particular industry and there's a couple of entrepreneur companies that you look to, like they're perfect. That's the bar. That's where I want to get to. And you're killing yourself getting there. Because you think there's some payoff to get there.

    [00:15:24] Rob Dube: Those could be fear based decisions for you, because in reality, you might not want to be that kind of company. You might, with your tenure thinking in place, you might actually want to have a different type of company. That brings you peace yet still brings you the type of success you actually desire, not the success you think you should be desiring. And I'll state the obvious for you out there. You know, that all this stuff that you're accumulating is meaningless. Nobody cares about your house and your car and your trips and all that kind of stuff. They don't care. You think they care, but they don't. They care about you and what's inside and. That you're a good human being and then the rest go get it by the way, you know, I want you to have a nice car.

    [00:16:22] Rob Dube: I want you to have a nice house and all the things that financial success comes with. And I, I believe you would be, this would be part of your mastermind jazz. I imagine, you know, cause that just all comes as a result and congratulations on being the small minority of the world that has those comforts.

    [00:16:41] Rob Dube: You've earned them. And when you look at it through that lens, you can keep that drive because now you know how to manage it. You begin making your decisions from love, which means they're coming from your heart. Which means they're aligned with the way you want to live your life with that 10 year thinking, which means you will have inner peace and the chaos is subdued, even when challenges happen because they will.

    [00:17:13] Rob Dube: Whether that's within your business or in your non work life, but you will be better prepared to make your way through them with peace.

    [00:17:24] Chaz Wolfe: let's Get into the nitty gritty here because we've, we've alluded to these disciplines.

    [00:17:28] Chaz Wolfe: You have written an incredible book. It's called shine. You've coauthored it with, uh, Gino Wickman. , And, and this is a, this is a. I mean, I've just like spent time in these here.

    [00:17:38] Chaz Wolfe: I've seen pictures of my friends on a, on a plane reading your book. Um, and so I, I just, I'm not only honored that you're here again, but that we get to like dissect these with you with, with the author. So give us the 10 disciplines. And I want to like dissect maybe one or two that you think just are really hit home for the, for the listeners here today.

    [00:17:55] Rob Dube: Sure. 10 year thinking. It's the first one and I would say you might think it's the most important and you would be right if you did. And this is where we shift our mindset from short term thinking to thinking in 10 year time frames. And when you get really clear.

    [00:18:11] Rob Dube: about what your life looks like 10 years from now, how you imagine it. This isn't goal setting. It's just imagining what your life looks like. You align your actions today with that. You're asking yourself, what do I want?

    [00:18:28] Rob Dube: And how does this align? And so you, you don't get off track. It keeps you on track and focus. It's, it's like your North star. You know, you keep moving towards it. So that's the first one. The second one is take time off. And this is where I want you to take 130 days off and not think about work the entire day. Okay. So first for perspective, if you took every weekend off every us holiday and at least three weeks vacation, that's about 130.

    [00:19:05] Rob Dube: So just. you know, weekends, et cetera. So that usually settles people a little. Although you out there are probably working on the weekends, I'm guessing at least one of the days for some period of time, maybe not all day, but you're definitely thinking about work. And that's the hard one for people. And. My hope for you is that you'll start to work the muscle of letting all the work stuff, your business stuff go.

    [00:19:37] Rob Dube: So meaning not checking in with emails, not reading business books, catching up on industry news, writing down all your wonderful ideas that are going to change the world. You're letting that all go actually, and being free of all of it because you want to rejuvenate. Your mind and your body during this time, and I mentioned earlier time clear mind.

    [00:20:07] Rob Dube: So now you're taking time. You've given yourself that gift. Now you have a clear mind. And with a clear mind, you will have better ideas, better solutions, more peace, and you will change your industry. You will change your company. You will change the world. You will make greater impact in all the ways that you hoped and then some.

    [00:20:30] Rob Dube: You don't even probably realize. What you're capable of, but we must have a rejuvenated mind and body to do that properly. So we really have to work that muscle and find other things in this world that interest you. And that's an interesting thing. I ask you to the listener, write down 10 things outside of business that interest you that you could spend hours on and start go doing them.

    [00:21:01] Rob Dube: If you're normal, you can't find 10. There might be two.

    [00:21:05] Chaz Wolfe: uh,

    [00:21:05] Rob Dube: You know, there might be two. And if, if I'll make one up, if skiing is one of them, you can't take your phone and look at your emails on the chairlift. You have to look at the beautiful scenery that you got yourself out there to. So that's the second discipline.

    [00:21:23] Rob Dube: Take time. So the next discipline is discipline number three. Very important. No by self. And this is where we want you to be you 100 percent of the time, 24 seven, three 65, we want you to let your freak flag fly. Be authentically you. All the craziness that you bring to this world is what is so beautiful about you.

    [00:21:54] Rob Dube: And people appreciate that authenticity. Sadly, what happens is many of you end up becoming chameleons and you try to fit in and say the, just the right things. all the time or do all the right things, whatever that means, by the way, that means it's what you think is the right thing. But people pick up on inauthentic energy.

    [00:22:21] Rob Dube: For example, you may have met somebody along the way and had a conversation with them. And at the end of the conversation, you might find yourself shaking your head saying, wow, that person had an amazing energy, or they, or you might say that person had kind of a weird energy. See, you're picking up on their energy field.

    [00:22:44] Rob Dube: And you know, something's off or something's on. If it's on, it means they're authentic. If it's off, it means they're not. And that's your radar. You're picking up on that and just know that others pick up on that about you. And so be you. A great thing that you can do to learn more about yourself is you can send an email to the five people closest to you and ask them to list out your greatest strengths.

    [00:23:13] Rob Dube: And your greatest weaknesses. It's a very simple entree point into getting to know yourself better, and it's vulnerable because you know, you're going to see the weaknesses part.

    [00:23:26] Chaz Wolfe: That's right.

    [00:23:26] Rob Dube: But it's, it's really enlightening at the same time. So that's, I always like to share that one because it's a very simple action that you can take after you listen to this podcast today. I'm going to keep going, Chaz, if that's okay.

    [00:23:38] Chaz Wolfe: Yep. And I love it. We're, we're, we're right on track here. This is amazing stuff. Keep

    [00:23:42] Rob Dube: fourth discipline is be still. Sit in silence for at least 30 minutes every day. Now there's a lot of ways that you can do this. So let me start there and we just bring up four, but there's probably a thousand. So just figure out what's best for you, prayer, meditation, journaling, contemplation, or some combination of three or four of them.

    [00:24:11] Rob Dube: during your 30 minutes. Now, if you're normal, sitting in silence for 30 minutes is pretty hard. And there's a favorite quote I have from an author named Ann Lamont. She says, my mind is like a bad neighborhood. I try to never go there alone. So think about that for a minute. When you go to sit in silence, what's happening is your ego Is saying, don't do that.

    [00:24:38] Rob Dube: Your ego is trying to protect you right now. Don't go do that. Because your ego knows exactly what's going to happen. The second you sit down, you're going to be rushed with a million thoughts. And some of them are going to be painful. They're going to be work related thoughts that you don't feel like thinking about or dealing with.

    [00:24:57] Rob Dube: It could be Personal stuff inside inner work stuff that you don't want to think about could be things about the world that you just want to ignore, but we must allow them to surface so they can release. And that's where you get a clearer mind. Now, sitting in meditation or prayer are great. So I encourage you. Schedule this in like you do your workouts. It's a workout really for your mind and very important. And it's really great to see more and more people are embracing this these days.

    [00:25:33] Chaz Wolfe: I've shared with this with several of our members, but, uh, we just call it think time and, uh, it's really incredible how, when you sit down with a, with just a question or two or three and in essence, what you're doing like from, uh, from a mind perspective is that you've been cramming, uh, All week long, like stuff, stuff, stuff, like in taking all this detail.

    [00:25:53] Chaz Wolfe: Right. Um, and you're just giving your, your, your subconscious a chance to just come out and like, stop stuffing me full. Let me get some stuff out. Let me clean it out. And outcomes probably some solutions and some things, or maybe some contemplation, maybe some things that you need to write down.

    [00:26:09] Chaz Wolfe: So anyway, I just love what you're doing. Keep going.

    [00:26:11] Rob Dube: So discipline number five, as I segue. We talked about that's no, you're 100%. The next one is discipline number six, which is say no often. And that's to say no to everything that doesn't fit into those first five disciplines. So, you know, you might go back and relook or relisten to the five to the five disciplines and think where, as I think about what I say yes to, and what I say no to now that I'm getting clearer.

    [00:26:41] Rob Dube: on knowing myself, understanding myself, understanding some of my boundaries. You get to, you start to get clear about what to say yes to and what to say no to. And see, as, as somebody who's, you are driven, as I mentioned, you have successful businesses or you're building successful businesses. And as that happens, you start getting more opportunities and more things coming at you than you have time for.

    [00:27:07] Rob Dube: And so you have to start making adjustments to what you said yes to in the past, to what you're going to start saying. Yes to in the future, and that means you have to say no to most things, and so please put a great focus on that. And that's one of the things that is most difficult for you is saying no, and we feel guilty.

    [00:27:33] Rob Dube: We feel FOMO. We feel like we're going to disappoint somebody. You know, part of our identity as an entrepreneur is helping being the person with the answers who could connect the people, but we can't do it all. And we don't have time to do it all. So you can say no in a really graceful way. You can provide them an alternative source than you.

    [00:27:57] Rob Dube: It only takes like an extra couple of minutes. Usually. But it frees up a lot of time for you to focus on how you can make greater impact. And that's what I always hope for you is that when you're making these decisions along the way that you're realizing the reason I'm doing this, I'm sorry to disappoint this person, but it's because I need to make a greater impact than that's going to make.

    [00:28:23] Rob Dube: And so say no often. The next one, discipline number seven is don't do 25 an hour work. And never do anything that you could pay somebody 25 an hour to do, or anything below your pay grade. So I, I expand on it there as you continue to grow, depending on where you are in your journey. So, you know, 25 an hour work are things like actually checking your email.

    [00:28:53] Rob Dube: Uh, scheduling your calendar, scheduling your travel, um, you know, doing administrative work, uh, you know, expense reports, things like that. That's 25 an hour work. Now some people say, you might be saying, yeah, but I'm not above that work. I'm not going to have somebody check my emails. That's ridiculous. Well, first of all, there are people out there.

    [00:29:16] Rob Dube: that want to do that work and they actually love doing it. And actually they're way better than you are. Do you have 500 emails in your inbox, 200, 100, they'll keep your inbox clean. You'll be responding to people. They'll be responding to people. On your behalf, you'll be way more on top of your game and you'll have your time back again to do what?

    [00:29:40] Rob Dube: To make greater impact in the world. And guess what? You'll be doing it with greater peace. Now, as we take this further, I encourage you to take your annual compensation. And figure out, uh, the number of hours you're working per year and divide those number of hours into your annual conversation. So you can see where your actual hourly rate is, and then make a list as you go through your next couple of weeks of all the things that you're doing that are below your hourly rates and start to make a plan for how you can actually.

    [00:30:17] Rob Dube: begin to delegate anything below your hourly rate. Because imagine if you were doing things all the time that were actually Equal to what your hourly rate is, how much more successful would your business be? A lot more successful and you, and then your compensation will go up, your hourly rate will go up, and you just keep that method going as long as you go.

    [00:30:41] Rob Dube: So that's discipline number seven, discipline number eight. Prepare every night simply before your head hits the pillow. Every night, just document the next day's plan. It only will take you five to 10 minutes. Look at your schedule for tomorrow. Write it down. I'm a big. Uh, believer and actually writing. So just if, if you're up for this, take a piece of paper or a notepad or whatever you want to use a tablet and write your schedule out 7 a.

    [00:31:13] Rob Dube: m, 8 a. m, et cetera. Look it over. You're done. Go do the rest of your evening. Go to bed while you're sleeping. You your subconscious is going to go to work. You mentioned subconscious earlier. I love that you did that. You're going to wake up in the morning. You're going to be really clear about what your day looks like because you baked it in your head before you ended for the day.

    [00:31:39] Rob Dube: And you're going to notice that you have a new solution to a challenge you've been dealing with, or something you want to say in a presentation later on that day that you hadn't thought about before. And where that genius came from was your subconscious , you set your subconscious up for success.

    [00:31:59] Rob Dube: While you were sleeping. So simple, prepare every night. Amazing. So many people do not do this. It absolutely amazes me. So I hope you, if you're not doing it, I hope you'll start discipline. Number nine is put everything in one place. So simply stated, pick the one place that you're going to capture every idea, commitment, thought, action, item, and promise.

    [00:32:23] Rob Dube: As you go through your day, some people go old school, Gino Wickman uses a yellow legal pad with a good old fashioned pen. I use a tablet called remarkable. Some people type in notes on their laptops or their phones or whatever. I'm for all of them. You pick the one that you, uh, that feels best for you, but make it one place.

    [00:32:51] Rob Dube: And what happens is. At the end of your day, you know where everything is. Nothing gets lost. Many of us think we're organized, but we're actually letting people down because we're forgetting things. We have things in different places. But when you have it in one place, you know exactly where to go for all of it.

    [00:33:10] Rob Dube: Another added benefit that I encourage you to do is when you start to notice as you go through your day, you're going to have ebbs and flows. Your energy is going to be high at certain points. It's going to be lower at certain points. Notate on your one place. The time and what emotions and or feelings you were having, and you'll start to, you may start to notice different themes that go on.

    [00:33:37] Rob Dube: So for example, a simple one that I can use is maybe an hour and a half or two hours after lunch, your energy seems to fall well, maybe you need to look at how you're fueling yourself nutritionally at lunchtime. Maybe in meetings, there's a certain team member or employee. That sometimes says something that gets to your edges.

    [00:34:00] Rob Dube: And you might notice that more, uh, you might notice that better when you have that notated and then you can make that adjustment and change that response in that moment between stimulus and response. So that's a way of taking that one deeper. And then I'll finish with discipline number 10, which is be humble.

    [00:34:19] Rob Dube: And this is just where we want you to view yourself. As an equal to every other person on this planet humility. And I know, you know, this Chaz, and you're doing this in your mastermind and all you in the mastermind. And you're let you listening. I have a feeling you're like, yes, of course. So thank goodness for that, because we all know together, collectively.

    [00:34:42] Rob Dube: That humble is being humble is a strength. It's not a weakness. And oftentimes in society, when you're not humble. people feel like that is actually exhibiting strength, but it's not. And people want to be around other humble people. And when you're around other humble people, life's just better. It just is.

    [00:35:05] Rob Dube: It's just so much nicer. And I never met somebody who was humble, who didn't have a daily intentional practice of gratitude. So wherever you might rank yourself, and I encourage you to do this as an exercise, imagine on one continue, imagine a line and on one side of the continuum is arrogant. And on the other side is humble.

    [00:35:24] Rob Dube: Just put a tick mark somewhere on that line and notice where you line up and notice Through expressing gratitude, that intentionality, maybe you move that tick mark a little bit closer to humility. So those are the 10 disciplines that help you manage and maximize your energy. So you can make a greater impact in this world.

    [00:35:46] Rob Dube: And actually do it with some peace. It's a framework, it's a foundation. And when you have a strong foundation, that's what leads to that greater peace.

    [00:35:55] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah, I love, I mean, first off, the listeners should be, should be writing these things down. They should be ordering your book. We'll give them a link in the show notes to be able to do that. But all of those things are incredible. , Rob, you've been sensational here today. I want to give you a last opportunity here, uh, to impart some wisdom. I mean, you've got, you've got an audience of entrepreneurs. Um, we talk about the exceptional life. We talked, uh, I defined what this was earlier, winning in all areas. What would you say? What was your last little piece of parting wisdom so they could go live the exceptional life, win in all areas, follow these disciplines?

    [00:36:26] Chaz Wolfe: What would you say that they need to do?

    [00:36:28] Rob Dube: You've heard today how to build a framework or a foundation in your life. That's a starting point You've learned how to manage the idea that you're driven how to manage that part of you Which helps you now make your decisions from love to? Instead of fear from your heart, instead of your ego. And this is how you maximize your energy, which you mentioned earlier, how important that is, how you make a greater impact in this world.

    [00:37:00] Rob Dube: That's what you are here for and do that with inner peace. And so that's my imparted wisdom. I hope it lands somewhere in a positive way.

    [00:37:12] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah, that's good. So good actually. And so, uh, Rob, thank you for being here. Um, we just appreciate not only just the wisdom, but just again, your, your humility., it has been an absolute pleasure. Um, I look forward to just staying connected with you and of course, all the things that you have got going, we'll put a show note, uh, uh, as far as a link to get the book, but tell us just You know, 10 seconds, 20 seconds on, on shine, where they can find it.

    [00:37:32] Chaz Wolfe: Uh, how can they get more information?

    [00:37:33] Rob Dube: would be at any of the booksellers, so all of them, and you can learn more about everything we talked about today at the10disciplines. com. It's all right there.

    [00:37:44] Chaz Wolfe: There you go. If you're interested in more information from Rob, it'll all be in the show notes. We appreciate you listening, Rob. Thanks for being here. Blessings to you and all that you touch here in 24. Thanks

    [00:37:53] Rob Dube: Thank you, Chas. I appreciate you and much love to everyone listening today.

    Thank you for listening today. I hope that you were able to pull out a few nuggets to go apply into your business right away. More importantly, though, I hope that you're realizing that it takes more to be successful than just being by yourself, doing it all on your own, carrying the weight all by yourself.

    What I have realized, not only in my own journey from multiple businesses and multiple different industries, and now interviewing over 200 or 300, I hope that you're Other very successful seven, eight, and nine figure business owners is that it's tough to do it alone. And so gathering the Kings exists to bring together successful entrepreneurs.

    In fact, we are putting together 1000 Kings specifically who are grateful, but not done. We're intentionally assembling Kings who fight tooth and nail for their business, family, and communities. And here's what we believe that in the pursuit of excellence in those areas. That it ignites within us, the responsibility to govern power and forge a lasting legacy.

    So if that relates and resonates with you, and you know, that you need people around you, sharp, qualified, other very successful business owners. I want you to go to gatheringthekings. com. Once you take a look at what we're doing and see if it makes sense for you to be part of our pursuit to 1000 Kings talk soon.

Host Chaz Wolfe talks with Rob Dube, an expert author and speaker. They discuss finding a better way to run a business than always hustling. Rob co-founded ImageOne and the 10 Disciplines. He shares the 10 Disciplines framework from his book 'Shine,' which he wrote with Gino Wickman. They talk about using the 10 Disciplines to create more time and freedom in your business and life, so you can take 130 days off each year. Key topics include managing your energy, being fully present, and making decisions from love instead of fear to live an amazing life. They also discuss specific tips like thinking long-term, taking breaks, saying no often, and being humble.

Rob Dube:


Website: https://robdube.com

Shine: https://amzn.to/4bGcCEp

Do Nothing: https://amzn.to/3WjRcZc

Chaz's favorite morning drink to fuel him for his day


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