418 | The Future of Remote Work

  • [00:00:00] On today's episode of Gathering the Kings. There's a lot of remote opportunities now. Do you see people going back to the office in less remote positions? I've failed over and over again, but I just won't quit. And you can't fail if you don't quit. We're crushing it to the point in life. The journey of job stacking is not meant to be brutal.

    [00:00:18] It's not meant to be here's four years where you're going to absolutely suffer. Job stacking is a way to be secure and have that consistent income while working towards better life.

    [00:00:30] Chaz Wolfe: What's up everybody. I'm Chaz Wolf gathering, the King's podcast coming back to you here today with another King on the stage. My brother, Zach Wade, how we doing this morning?

    [00:00:40] Zach Wade: We're doing good. Excited to be here.

    [00:00:42] Zach Wade: it's Monday morning, fresh. I always think another level of the guys or gals that booked their podcast 8 AM Monday morning, but here we are, we're ready to rock and roll first thing it's nine o'clock. I guess your time, but we're ready to roll Monday morning. Absolutely.

    [00:00:59] Chaz Wolfe: Zach, tell us what kind of business that you got, my man.

    [00:01:01] Chaz Wolfe: Silence.

    [00:01:01] Zach Wade: We position ourselves as a, marketing agency, we actually work strictly.

    [00:01:06] Zach Wade: B2C with marketing professionals. And we teach them how to essentially job stack, bring back financial security and, consistency into their income and, reach ultimately reach the goals thatthey've set out for themselves, both personal and professionally

    [00:01:20] Chaz Wolfe: Okay, so you're working with individuals who want to make more money and you've got a specified method that you call job stacking on how to do that. Right?

    [00:01:28] Zach Wade: hit the nail on the head there.

    [00:01:29] Chaz Wolfe: I want to know. Why? what wakes you up every day? What's really down deep in Zach to, you've obviously got a level of success. My team wouldn't let you on the show if, if you hadn't.

    [00:01:39] Chaz Wolfe: So why are you still after it?

    [00:01:41] Zach Wade: More people need to know about what we got going on. Digital marketing, internet, it's global now. And so that means we can reach almost 8 billion people. I need them to know about what we got going on because it's truly changing lives and, putting people in better situations.

    [00:01:56] Zach Wade: And, uh,that's important to me.

    [00:01:58] Zach Wade: I've done the whole, I'm going to do it for myself and it's not all that great. And I've done the whole. You know, do it for others. And it is all that great.

    [00:02:05] Zach Wade: With a few businesses that I've started in the past, it was all about the money. And with, the independent partnership program, which is a program where we teach you how to job stack, it was like the opposite. It was just like, Hey, we have this really awesome thing and we need people to know about it.

    [00:02:19] Zach Wade: We want to help people do it.

    [00:02:20] Chaz Wolfe: As soon as you're getting incredible results of people going, Oh my gosh, thank you for teaching me how to do this. and we're going to get to the, what you teach here in a second, but you're getting results clearly.

    [00:02:29] Zach Wade: Yeah, absolutely. We're crushing it to be point blank.

    [00:02:34] Chaz Wolfe: All right. tell us what it means to job stack.

    [00:02:36] Zach Wade: Working, multiple full time remote jobs. At the same time. So you're earning multiple paychecks from multiple different employers at the same time. We introduce a little bit of an element that, we consider to be special in our offer, which is outsourcing. leveraging our marketing team.

    [00:02:54] Zach Wade: So that you're able to stack even more jobs and scale your income as much as you can.

    [00:03:00] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah, love that. And so tell me the difference between someone job stacking and, or them being an agency themselves really, and just helping multiple clients. Is that in essence what this is?

    [00:03:11] Zach Wade: Think if you had multiple clients, the difference is these are w two full time direct for employer, right? You're working, within different businesses for these employers in a variety of industries where, you're showing up to team meetings and you're collaborating with coworkers and you're getting a paycheck 

    [00:03:31] Zach Wade: you're not, you don't have one retainer, things like that.

    [00:03:35] Zach Wade: Okay. And so the skillset that these folks have, in terms of, in terms Learned in whatever varying industry that they're in, what you're then showing them how to do is leverage that skill set across multiple clients, or in this case, where it's just a w two employer. So same kind of format, though.

    [00:03:51] Zach Wade: It's just a little bit different pay structure. Am I understanding correctly?

    [00:03:54] Zach Wade: Yeah, absolutely. We always recommend to stick with The skill set that you have, because at the end of the day, the job hunt, if you will, is, it's not easy. and interviewing is something that you got to go through. And if you're speaking to the skill set that you're best at, you're gonna, you're going to convey that best.

    [00:04:14] Chaz Wolfe: There's a lot of,remote opportunities now, especially since coven and so I'm sure your business has, ridden that wave quite a bit. Do you see the industry changing at all? Do you see people going back to the office and less remote positions? is there any sort of a trend in that direction?

    [00:04:28] Zach Wade: there definitely is, I just don't think it's in our industry, maybe more so the older generations are, leaning that way. But the newcomers, the AI companies, the web three companies, they are fully remote

    [00:04:40] Chaz Wolfe: , you're saying generally speaking in marketing, there's a certain way of thinking. And I would ascribe myself to that thinking, like, why would I go to the office if I don't have to? My team members are all remote. I'm recording right now for my studio here in my house.

    [00:04:54] Chaz Wolfe: What. what is this? Like why is certain companies maybe stuck or is it forward thinking? Is it just new? what's the major difference here that you see that people are willing to stay in the remote lane or maybe certain industries that you're seeing? Why are they prone to that?

    [00:05:08] Zach Wade: If , you can still have the culture and the same, productivity, the same level of alignment. That you have in the office, I think for a lot of people, remote work is just easier, to balance, especially with a family, especially with kids.

    [00:05:24] Zach Wade: I know employers, at least the smart ones want to give and provide their employees with that lifestyle where they can have that work life balance, not have to sit in 3 hours of traffic every day.

    [00:05:36] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah. It depends upon what city that you're in. That sounds terrible. I don't go, I don't drive anywhere. in fact, I was just talking to a buddy of mine the other day. how. We were talking about the usage of the car and how it's just for a remote worker. we still drive a few places here and there, but it just dramatically changes everything.

    [00:05:55] Chaz Wolfe: If I don't have to go to an office every day,

    [00:05:56] Zach Wade: I think that there is a fine line between, 80 years of remote work and just looking at your laptop, your green camera instead of, associating with humans around you, you know,

    [00:06:09] Chaz Wolfe: what do you think that, the end goal for your client is to job stack forever for 80 years, like you said, or is it more of a like short period of time unto something different? what's the ultimate goal for your folks?

    [00:06:22] Zach Wade: Yeah, so we always like to say job stacking is the short term strategy in order to reach the end goal, right? So you're job stacking to get to where, not necessarily where you really want to be, but where your ultimate goals are, right? Whether that's starting a business, scaling up the side hustle you've been working on, traveling, retiring, starting a family, things like that.

    [00:06:45] Chaz Wolfe: And so in essence, there's a short period of time where you increase activity or increase the input so that the output is greater so that you can use the output in something different.

    [00:06:56] Zach Wade: Yeah, but the important thing to know is... And I think this is often overlooked is the journey of job stacking is not brutal and it's not meant to be brutal. It's not meant to be here's four years where you're going to absolutely suffer. that's more of the business side of it, right?

    [00:07:12] Zach Wade: Job stacking is a way to not only enjoy the journey, but also, be secure and have that consistent income while working towards. Better life, if you will,

    [00:07:24] Chaz Wolfe: yeah, I'm glad you said that as far as the maybe the distinguishment between I wasn't really sure how the journey was. You've made it clear for us on the business side. You've got entrepreneurs listening to you right now, and maybe they're not interested in job stacking. Maybe they have somebody who is in their life, but for them particularly, they're running a business and it's been rather difficult as you just described. What is that person focused on? Thing of the last couple of years in your business, what have you been focused on to stay away from burnout, to stay focused, to keep the end goal in mind, some of the same things that you're teaching your folks, but in a different method.

    [00:08:01] Zach Wade: yeah, I think with entrepreneurship and job stacking, they're similar, but there's another level to entrepreneurship. There's another level of time. And dedication that you have to have with job stacking, the goal is still to have a work life balance is still to, be able to enjoy those happy hours after work and, take those weekend trips while reaping the benefits of the multiple income streams for me, at least entrepreneurship has been.

    [00:08:30] Zach Wade: No work life balance. It's just work. and so that really is the divide between the two.

    [00:08:37] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah. And I think that every entrepreneur listening right now would be like, yep. Zach's a real entrepreneur. Thanks. Thanks for making it clear that you're real. cause that's the, general story of most entrepreneurs, what have you done, as far as making a good decision in this last couple of years, that's really been able to help you through that, something you look back on, you're like, wait a minute, when I started doing this, it really started 

    [00:08:57] Chaz Wolfe: knocking the dominoes over for me for my success. What was that good decision?

    [00:09:00] Zach Wade: I would say, and this might be pretty corny, but it's like a podcast, almost, like a motivational, String of speeches that they put together this guy on Spotify and I listen to 10 of them a day just to keep myself up and they're like 10 minutes long. I wake up. I listen to a couple of them and I just love them.

    [00:09:22] Zach Wade: I just love them. Like everything they say is so true and I just connect with it so much. when I started doing that, I think that really just got me excited because I don't communicate a lot with other entrepreneurs or, connect a lot. And so hearing their stories and being like, this is exactly what I'm going through right now.

    [00:09:43] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah, it's powerful. First off. I, I know exactly what you're talking about. I'm not a Spotify guy, but, I have the same thing on YouTube. There's a couple of,whatever they call it. Basically beat your chest. I'm a, I'm an entrepreneur, raw, you know?

    [00:09:55] Zach Wade: yeah,

    [00:09:55] Chaz Wolfe: And you're right. I, oftentimes listen to those while I'm working out and, that's first thing in the morning for me.

    [00:10:00] Chaz Wolfe: And so I gets my blood pumping. Sounds like it does yours as well. What do you think? Is inside of that. Like I talk about here on this show, transferring courage. We talked about that a few minutes ago before I hit the record button. I really do want the listener to receive and go okay, Zach, I hear Zach story.

    [00:10:16] Chaz Wolfe: He's struggling too. I can do it. Let's go. Which in essence, what you just described, you described, you listened to someone else's story, struggle, victory, whatever. And it gives you inspiration or courage. What do you think is in that? what's the principle there that you're walking away with every day?

    [00:10:30] Chaz Wolfe: And why do you keep doing it?

    [00:10:31] Zach Wade: I think the principle, at least for me, would be, they went through all those hardships and they, suffered every day for years and maybe not suffering is the right word. Maybe it is. I think it is. I think it is. but they eventually got there, 

    [00:10:47] Zach Wade: they might have failed. Over and over again. I failed over and over again, but I just won't quit and you can't fail if you don't quit,

    [00:10:55] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah, that's right. I did a, a call inside of gathering the Kings peer mastermind group just last week. And we talked a lot about desire chapter two and thinking grow riches on desire. And there's a particular, piece in there of the equation. And it talks about persistence briefly. There's a whole other chapter on persistence, but, it mentions the, a little bit of a formula there where you have to match it.

    [00:11:14] Chaz Wolfe: all this other stuff and desire with persistence, but not just persistence, it was persistence that does not recognize failure. And that's a whole nother, I'm just going to keep going. And it's no, I'm going to keep going. I can't fail here as long as I keep going is what I'm hearing.

    [00:11:30] Chaz Wolfe: You say, I just had the mindset and the energy and the focus of just boom, just one step after the other. I never stopped. Then how can I fail? Of course, I'm going to get to your failure here in a second, but and we all fail, but if it's a mindset of if I just keep going, then how can I actually fail?

    [00:11:48] Zach Wade: right? Just don't quit.

    [00:11:50] Chaz Wolfe: How's that played out for you though? what's that look like on the daily where you're like, now the day, here we go. 

    [00:11:55] Zach Wade: I say this one thing and I say it to myself when I, feel myself complaining I go, I wish this would suck more than I just keyboard.

    [00:12:04] Chaz Wolfe: That's that's your transitional phrase. I wish this would suck more. And then you just keep right going.

    [00:12:08] Chaz Wolfe: If we're in, let's just roll up the sleeves. Let's dive all the way in. Might as well. where where did that come from? 

    [00:12:14] Zach Wade: One of those string and motivational, you know, they just sew it together and it's like. Some of them are four minutes, some of them are 20 minutes, and it's just, you got Jocko, Eric Thomas, I'm not sure who's who, they bring on Matt Damon, like, 

    [00:12:28] Chaz Wolfe: Sure. Jim 

    [00:12:29] Zach Wade: know, all, yeah, all those guys, and I can't even tell the difference in the voices at this point except for a few, but yeah, it's just, it's awesome,

    [00:12:37] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah, it's good, man. I think that, the mindset that you're building out of the result of listening to that consistently, not just once, not just twice, not every couple of days. It's, it sounds like you're addicted to it, which is fantastic. this is, this is what we do as entrepreneurs.

    [00:12:53] Chaz Wolfe: It's called obsession. we're extremely obsessive, nature. Beings. And I think that once we embrace that, it's okay. Cause like you said, I think it's supposed to be like this and if you want the work life balance, do the job stacking thing, Zach can help you shoot, he can help you learn how to do that, sign up for his program.

    [00:13:11] Chaz Wolfe: if you're an entrepreneur, then guess what? You're building something bigger. Is what I'm hearing you say,

    [00:13:16] Zach Wade: I do like to clarify that, job stacking for me and for a lot of our partners, Is a means to an end and that end is starting the business and a lot of Entrepreneurs that, want to start the business like myself, don't go for that work life balance. So they're all in with job stacking because they want to get to the point where they can start the business as fast as possible.

    [00:13:41] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah, exactly. Yeah, you've mentioned work life balance a couple times here. It's interesting though, because we'll have people listening right now that have, Wife, kids, , we've been together almost 20 years. Married 15. We have four kids. my life looks extremely different than yours.

    [00:13:56] Chaz Wolfe: However, We can both be obsessed and be all in. and so I call it work life obsession as opposed to work life balance, because as an entrepreneur, I genuinely believe that we are ascribing to a different lifestyle and it's all integrated. Can you talk about that for a second? Like even as a young guy, even as a guy who doesn't have kids yet, maybe how does your life look? like this, as opposed to I got my job and then I go to work out and then I hang out with my friends and, something a little 

    [00:14:21] Zach Wade: Yeah.I just think you're always, and I know this is like a typical answer, but it's so true. And I think that's why it's used so often. It's just, you're never not. thinking about the business, you're never not coming up with new ideas, you're never not, you want to talk about it too, right?

    [00:14:35] Zach Wade: Like I find some of my, former friends, with the nine to fives, like they want to talk about everyone else and what this guy and the other person is like, I want to talk about my business. I want to talk about. business in general, I want to hear your ideas. I want to hear, what's new.

    [00:14:50] Zach Wade: I think that's the biggest differentiator. 

    [00:14:52] Hey, Kings and Queens, Chaz Wolf. I want to talk to you about something that's super important to me. We put a lot of time and effort. We meaning myself and my team into this podcast, into the content that goes out every single day. And if you have been getting any sort of value or insight from this, we want it to be able to reach other business owners too.

    [00:15:11] So we would love if you would like. Comment, share, leave a review, post, share again, all of the things on social media, on all the different platforms, or even on the podcast mediums of Apple and Spotify, we would love to be able to get our content into more hands, more entrepreneurs so they can grow their business as quick as possible.

    [00:15:31] Together, we are building a community of like minded entrepreneurs who are committed to growing their businesses to new heights. So let's do this. Let's help each other. Let's help each other grow.

    [00:15:42] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah. As I've built gathering the Kings mastermind. Yes. We've built a podcast and it's incredible. And we help a lot of entrepreneurs, but on the. On the peer to peer mastermind side, probably one of the biggest aha moments for me was that as I was putting extremely great people in the room, people in different industries, successful business owners, ones that are authentic and real and love what they do.

    [00:16:09] Chaz Wolfe: And they want to help other people, everything that you've shared, they're doing it for other reasons, other than just making money. It's more about legacy or future impact or whatever, right? all the commonalities that we've already discussed today. What I realized is that. The, I over sought the value of just putting them in the same room because they can have conversations.

    [00:16:28] Chaz Wolfe: Like you said, I just want to talk about it. I just want to talk about business. I want to talk about your business. I want to talk about your ideas. I want to talk about how you do work life obsession, balance this thing. I want to hear about this. I want to hear about that. tell me about this. Tell me about that.

    [00:16:38] Chaz Wolfe: And you have these entrepreneurs that come together like you and I even are right now. Like we love conversations like this. And I just totally oversought the value where I think at the beginning, I was like trying to bring curriculum and structure and teaching. And here's what to do here. And here's the next step.

    [00:16:56] Chaz Wolfe: and most of the entrepreneurs, we love that stuff. We always want to grow, but most of the entrepreneurs that are successful in business. They just want to be around more successful people. And that's like the majority of it is just Hey, let's just get together and be like, do this thing right here, which is why I've really loved the podcast.

    [00:17:15] Chaz Wolfe: We've done almost 450 episodes like this. And I love every single one of them. People ask me how to, how do you keep going, man? dude, I get to talk with guys like Zach about business and it freaking fuels me. I schedule them at 8 00 AM on Monday because the rest of my day is going to be jacked because of this conversation right here.

    [00:17:32] Chaz Wolfe: You know what I mean?

    [00:17:33] Zach Wade: An analogy could be. We're having a beer with your buddy, right? You love doing that. You would never stop doing that

    [00:17:39] Chaz Wolfe: Let's get to that bad decisions, Zach. Tell me what you did and you were just terrible decision, bad impact, something that you would never do again. Something that the listeners can learn from and stay away from.

    [00:17:50] Zach Wade: financing or funding my business with credit cards.

    [00:17:54] Chaz Wolfe: Ooh. Okay. Give us a little bit more detail there. Give us

    [00:17:58] Zach Wade: No, I'm going to leave it right there. It's a cliffhanger. yeah, no, it's just not a good idea. There's plenty of other ways that I've recently learned to go about it. That's a lot smarter. it messed up my credit.

    [00:18:09] Zach Wade: I, it's very difficult for us to, get funding a traditional way, now. And so if I had to go back and do things all over again, I would have never touched a credit card.

    [00:18:21] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah, I'm going to, I'm going to poke you a little bit on this because, I can give some background here as well. And I think it would be really helpful for the listener because to operate without credit cards, it, like that's probably not going to happen, but. Let's be strategic about what it is that we're doing.

    [00:18:37] Chaz Wolfe: So tell me, I'll tell you here in a second, after you answer this question, tell me what you didn't realize about the credit card usage that, now that's super applicable, that the listener probably doesn't know either.

    [00:18:48] Zach Wade: I think it was that I, I used the credit cards, multiple credit cards, had a really good credit score. So I leveraged that and I had assumed, I made an assumption that I would be able to pay off. All of this, all of these charges that I racked up basically maxing out the card because I'd be like, Oh, we're fine.

    [00:19:07] Zach Wade: in six months we're going to be at X, Y, Z. And I think that a little bit of an, maybe it was ego. Maybe it was just confidence.

    [00:19:15] Zach Wade: .

    [00:19:15] Zach Wade: That's it's a risky game to play. And if you're going to use credit cards and of course, like you said, you can be smart about it

    [00:19:21] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah. I think that really the risk analysis that you're talking about is just, do I take on debt really? Whether it's credit card, whether it's a business loan, whether it's a friends and family loan,you're talking about look at the projection truthfully, don't look at the next six months or six years for that matter.

    [00:19:38] Chaz Wolfe: And just pie in the sky and rainbows and unicorns, right? What would you suggest that the listener does Like really practical in that analysis that would help them.

    [00:19:47] Chaz Wolfe: Whether they're considering using a credit card, they're considering getting a business loan, borrowing 500 K from grandma, whatever.

    [00:19:53] Zach Wade: Take your time with the decision. Do your research. And I mean weeks. Of research a lot of young entrepreneurs, myself included, they don't really know a lot about raising capital and how to get funding. And, you know, which is the best to do when you're at X, Y, Z point.

    [00:20:13] Zach Wade: I didn't do the right research. I didn't do the proper due diligence. That was a mistake.

    [00:20:17] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah. Yeah. I, I too, cause here's, you mentioned it, at the beginning, you can, even if you have a great credit score, you can get maybe several credit cards, but they're all going to have fairly low limits, 1500, 5000, even 7, 500, 10, I had several businesses. Before I was 30 and all of them using tens of thousands of dollars of a month.

    [00:20:37] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah. We were purchasing product and selling it in our stores. I would get a credit card that had a 5, 000 limit on it and we would use it, max it, pay it off, use it, max it, pay it off multiple times a month even. And I'm thinking this is great. I pay, I use it, I pay it off, I earn points.

    [00:20:52] Chaz Wolfe: This is fantastic. But even still in that. We were being crushed on the credit score side because even though I was paying it off two, three, six times a month, sometimes by the time it came to their little analysis period, it was full maxed every single time. And I didn't recognize that part of the game.

    [00:21:12] Chaz Wolfe: And so the truth is that you want to use them. and keep them 10 percent or lower when, specifically when that date comes and that's going to be based on the credit card and the statement date, and so I can't give you the exact formula on that for the listener, but, the ultra conservative way is to use only 10 percent and no more and just pay it off every month.

    [00:21:29] Chaz Wolfe: Obviously there's entrepreneurs like you, like me who like, what else are we supposed to do? And even if you're in that position, cause I've talked to even several of my members and it's oh my gosh, yeah, I've got a 10, 000 card. I pay it off every other week or I paid off every Friday. To be aware of when that data is so that you can make another payment, which is super cumbersome and laborsome.

    [00:21:47] Chaz Wolfe: And it's just Oh my gosh, this is ridiculous. However, it will preserve that credit score so that you can go get, more traditional funding, whether it be regional from a bank or, even from a national bank, anything to add there.

    [00:21:57] Zach Wade: You said exactly how I would have done it going back would have been using, I would still maybe use the credit cards because at that point. I wouldn't have been able to leverage revenue or, anything else really. it's very difficult to get just capital as a startup.

    [00:22:13] Zach Wade: but with those even thousand, 5, limits, it does help, right? And so as long as you keep your credit score at least decent and don't tank it by just maxing credit cards out. Then, like you said, it's going to open you up for, the opportunity to get more funding, bigger amounts, when the time is right, when the time comes, when you have the revenue that you can show, what a lot of the other things that they look for.

    [00:22:42] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah, one of the things I'll say, I'll, I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this. I've always subscribed to the thought of get funding while you can, not when you need it, because when you need it, oftentimes it's like, Oh, there's a thing here in the math equation that doesn't work.

    [00:22:58] Chaz Wolfe: And it's usually when you don't need it, when everything looks perfect. Would you agree?

    [00:23:01] Zach Wade: Yeah, I would absolutely agree. It's very difficult to get funding when you have nothing to show in the bank. Isn't that,

    [00:23:09] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah. Yeah. That's an interesting concept. I'm going to ask for funding because I need it. But you don't want to give it to me because I need it desperately.

    [00:23:19] Zach Wade: isn't that everything in life?

    [00:23:20] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah. but because I have plenty, you feel comfortable giving me more.

    [00:23:25] Zach Wade: If you are fortunate enough to build a relationship with a good funding partner to keep that relationship because as that develops, they'll continue to do a lot of things for you, a lot of favors and give you better, better rates and things like that. You don't have to shop around and, all of that,

    [00:23:44] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah. There's leverage in the relationship, right?

    [00:23:46] Chaz Wolfe: Before you're a number, then eventually you become a relationship. Properly used. what's been some of your tactics there to keep and build a relationship, whether it's with a finance guy or any other vendor.

    [00:23:57] Zach Wade: eVeryone, whether it's a company and this is, we talk about this a lot with. The whole ethical side of job stacking, everyone's got their own motive. Everyone needs something everyone has, everyone has value to give, but they also have value to get right.

    [00:24:13] Zach Wade: making sure that what that person or that company wants, they're getting and vice versa. So essentially partnerships. Partnerships, mutually beneficial relationships. It's all, it's what it's all about.

    [00:24:29] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah. I'm hearing you say inside of the relationship, whether it's you and your financial guy, whether it's you and a vendor, whether it's. If I'm learning how to job stack and I'm wondering, is this ethical to have multiple jobs at once? Really what I'm hearing you say is as long as the boxes of what they need and what I need are both being checked, then why wouldn't it be right?

    [00:24:51] Chaz Wolfe: Why wouldn't this be mutually benefiting as long as both parties are, getting benefit. And specifically in the job stacking world, it's okay, if I'm checking all the boxes of the job description and because in the laws of success, Napoleon Hill talks about doing the things that we do plus one or doing extra things, you always do more than what you're paid for.

    [00:25:13] Chaz Wolfe: And that's just a success principle. If you're doing all of those things. Are they going to care? Are they even going to ask if you're a top performer?

    [00:25:20] Zach Wade: Nope. Absolutely not.

    [00:25:24] Chaz Wolfe: They're going to want more of you. In fact, they're going to be shocked that you have another job.

    [00:25:26] Chaz Wolfe: How do you do all this? Teach everybody else, right? Like you've just made yourself so valuable to them. By just producing the things that they want. Am I hearing you right?

    [00:25:35] Zach Wade: Yep. Absolutely. You're creating win wins.

    [00:25:37] Chaz Wolfe: It's good, man. All right. Let's talk about, let's talk about the ability that you've had in a short amount of time to, have an online business, be successful. You've already said that, we've, Obsession is like your thing. You're all in on business. How do you see in the future being able to do family at the same time?

    [00:25:55] Chaz Wolfe: give us a little bit of projection from your perspective.

    [00:25:57] Zach Wade: Yeah. That's definitely something I'll be honest. I'm not, as a young entrepreneur myself with, at the point where I haven't necessarily moved out of the day to day of the business, I'm, Still learning about how to do that. And so I'm excited to be able to get to that point, but for right now, I don't want to be out of it.

    [00:26:16] Zach Wade: I love it, but I know there's going to be a time where it's, speaking from a personal experience recently, I just got out of a relationship because I. I was doing the business over the relationship and I was fine with it.

    [00:26:29] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah. And you're right. I think there's seasons for that. I also think that there's alignment too. You talk about a relationship, whether it be family, wife, whatever, they're going to have to understand. 

    [00:26:36] Zach Wade: Yeah, absolutely. And just like across your company, , with your family and friends, alignment is, is so important. It's critical.

    [00:26:43] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah. how do you help? this is like a double edged question here, but we're talking about alignment. I'm asking how do you create alignment, but give us through the language of you teaching your folks in their program, how to job stack. There's gotta be major alignment there that you're showing them how to give to each one of their employers, right?

    [00:27:00] Chaz Wolfe: There's a major connection there. We've just gotten talking about it, that where they need to show up well at all of these places. And so that's alignment. How are you helping them do that? Which inevitably is going to tell me how you do it.

    [00:27:11] Zach Wade: I think checking with just what's going on in there on a weekly basis. So not only are we. Making sure that we're aligned with our partners, but we're also making sure that what they're doing is, what they're supposed to be to put it bluntly and we do that by just consistent communication meeting with them every week.

    [00:27:35] Zach Wade: Making sure that they have everything they need. They have direct access to the whole team that can support them because at the end of the day, you could have a course and you could have. coaching videos and sessions, but a lot of people just, they like to communicate, right? They don't want to sit down and watch an hour long, X, Y, and Z.

    [00:27:51] Chaz Wolfe: They want to, I want to learn from someone else, right? They want to go to those meetings, those check in meetings and get the inside scoop from, whatever it is or however it works, Yeah, that's good. It's interesting that would be the answer coming from a remote guy. But I think it's actually really great that the irony there isn't actual irony. it's just recognition that you can do a lot of things remote, but the value of the other side doesn't go away. In fact, it actually heightens. 

    [00:28:16] Zach Wade: I would 100 percent agree.

    [00:28:18] Chaz Wolfe: Also to probably for your students, as well as really just any entrepreneur who is working remote,the value of that then in person. Is a super easy differentiator, or a way to be able to make themselves stand out, whether again, they're going to the meetings and other people aren't, or they're able to help in the meetings or lead the meetings or just add value or whatever that looks like in the in person because the in persons are so much more impactful in those scenarios.

    [00:28:44] Zach Wade: I would agree with that. And it's probably something to do with, I'm not a science guy, but it definitely has a bigger impact and, on your memory and just be able to retain that, experience or knowledge when you do have those conversations versus, in your, in the dark room and note taking on a video, ,

    [00:29:01] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah, it's powerful. I got one last question here for you, Zach, as we wrap up, I want to know, I, this is interesting, I know, cause you're a young guy, but if you could. Roll back the clock and talk to the younger Zach, just tap him on the shoulder, whisper in his ear. What do you tell him?

    [00:29:15] Zach Wade: not saying that,that lifting weights and the gym and working out isn't important, but I would have spent more time building muscle in my mind,

    [00:29:24] Chaz Wolfe: How would you have suggested that the younger Zach do that?

    [00:29:26] Zach Wade: putting myself in more uncomfortable situations. I definitely used to avoid them. And if you're an entrepreneur right now, or striving to be an entrepreneur, and you're not putting yourself in uncomfortable situations, you better get used to being uncomfortable.

    [00:29:37] Chaz Wolfe: Yeah, it's a cliche really. Like you have to be comfortable with the uncomfortable. Change is the only thing that is constant. Like these are the cliches. I had a guy, I've mentioned this so many times. I had a guy on the show probably a year ago and he's look, man, I'm just trying to execute on the cliches.

    [00:29:51] Zach Wade: I like that.

    [00:29:52] Chaz Wolfe: Dude, you want to talk about, okay, if it's cliche and it tickles your ear, just write it down and do it, man. Don't just hear it, do it. And that's what I'm hearing you say. especially with the stuff from the morning that you're listening to on Spotify, the things that you're doing, even doing with your own clients.

    [00:30:05] Chaz Wolfe: Like I'm hearing you just do the things that, that are valuable. Now, at least maybe the younger Zach didn't know. but that's hindsight, right?

    [00:30:13] Zach Wade: Absolutely. I got the word execute written right on my laptop screen. I look at it every day. Cause it doesn't matter about your ideas or, what. You want to do no one, ideas are diamond. Doesn't got executed on.

    [00:30:26] Chaz Wolfe: Time to go, baby. Zach, how can the listener find you? Number one, if they themselves, or they know somebody who needs to job stack for a while, they need to understand what this is a little bit more. They're curious. They want to find you maybe even potentially work with you. How can they find you?

    [00:30:39] Chaz Wolfe: Or if they're an entrepreneur. They just want to pick your brain a little bit more on how you've become a little bit more of a strong minded entrepreneur. How can they find you?

    [00:30:46] Zach Wade: Yeah. if they want to get into job stacking, they can go to the website, suede marketing. co. They can reach out to me directly. in terms of social media, we're really pushing on our social media. it's something that we've. Definitely. I think lacked.

    [00:31:03] Zach Wade: It's funny that we're, an agency and we lack on our social media, but the focus has just been, on acquisition and fulfillment that sometimes you leave out, you leave out the social aspect of it, but, social media channels are a great way to engage with not only myself, but also just our team.

    [00:31:19] Zach Wade: And we have a great internship program right now. and they love to communicate with, everyone that's looking or, interested in the movement.

    [00:31:28] Chaz Wolfe: I love it. Love that you call it a movement. I feel similar with some of the work that we're doing. and it's really purposeful when you can feel that way. Thanks for being here, man. I appreciate your insight. your calm demeanor has, brought some great answers and clarity, hopefully to listeners here today and, appreciate you being here, man.

    [00:31:44] Zach Wade: Absolutely. Appreciate you having that. Thank you. 

Explore the transformative world of 'Job Stacking' with Zach Wade, founder of Wade Marketing, in this enlightening episode of Gathering the Kings, hosted by Chaz Wolf. This discussion delves into how job stacking serves as a strategic pathway to achieving both short-term financial stability and long-term success. Zach Wade shares his expertise on overcoming entrepreneurial challenges, emphasizing the significance of unwavering persistence, aligning with business objectives, and the crucial role of idea execution. He also talks about managing work, personal life, and relationships while steering a start-up, underscoring the importance of continuous learning and adapting in the face of business challenges. In this episode, Zach Wade not only sheds light on a unique approach to financial stability but also imparts a wealth of entrepreneurial knowledge suitable for various stages of business growth. Don't miss out on these valuable insights and strategies for success!

Zach Wade:






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