Not Making $250,000+ A Year?

Pile of American money

Not Making $250,000+ A Year?

How can my business sell more?

It usually boils down to the very simplest of things. The more hands you shake, the more money you make. If you're not going to do anything and you want to make more money than you are right now, I guarantee you this will do it. Talk to more people than you're talking to right now. The more hands you shake, the more money you make. That's the bottom line.

Do more, get better, and scale.

If I'm making 80,000 as a salesperson right now, talking to a hundred customers, well then talk to 200 customers and I'll bet you, I make 160 or more. Why? Because it's the law of nature. That's just how it works. So that's the do more part. 

Then I would get better, right? I would buy books, courses, coaching, and education on sales and human psychology. I would study, study, study, study, study, and I would learn, learn, learn, learn, learn as much as I could. 

At some point I'm going to be maxed out, right? I'm as good as you can get. I'm freaking working as much as I can work. Well, the only way to grow after that is you got to scale that. So scaling is very simple. You're just leveraging people and technology.

There's a formula that goes along with it and it applies to sales perfectly. That's what I would share with people. Use common sense. It's not rocket science. Be honest, and be likable because people buy people. At the end of the day, talk to more people than you're talking to right now, and you'll make more money. Start getting better intentionally every day.

How do I become a salesperson? How do I get over a fear of selling?

There are so many people out there who are against being pigeonholed as a salesperson. They think there's a bad rap about it. I personally do not believe that. If you're one of those people who think poorly of salespeople, let's break that down for a minute. The reason you think that is because you've been in situations where poor salespeople have soured you on salespeople.

Why do you think it's such a bad thing to be a salesperson? You got to ask yourself that question. Oh, I'd never be a salesman. Oh, I hate salespeople. What you're talking about are people, certain people, that you've experienced were gross, certain people screwed you over, certain people pressured you. Ao you act like all sales are like that. That's not true. 

Number one, you sell every single day. You're just not aware of it. You sell your kids on getting better grades. You sell your wife on which restaurants to go to. You sold her to marry you. Everybody's in sales. We're selling something to somebody every day, no matter what the difference between good ones and bad ones is. The bad ones don't know they're doing it. So if you know you're doing it, then get intentionally better at doing it. There are techniques to it. There are things you can do. There are questions you can ask. There are skills that you can develop that allow you to become better. 

What qualities make a person successful? 

It's always mindset, skillset, or habits. Your problem, if you have one, is your mindset, it's your skillset or it's your habits. Why? Well, you could have a positive mindset full of abundance and optimism and passionately run in the wrong direction. Wouldn't you agree? If you run in the wrong direction, you can be passionate all you want, you're going to end up nowhere.

So it's not just the mindset. If you have a passionate mind and you're talented, but you have bad habits, you're probably not going to be successful. But if you've got a positive mindset, you're talented, you're good at something, you don't have to be the best, but you got to be good, and you have the right habits, you're crushing it.

The only combination I've seen that's contrary to that is you can have a killer mindset and killer habits and not be that good and still crush it. You don't have to be that good to win in life. That's why anyone can win in life. If I can win in life, bro, anyone can win in life. 

How does a business owner focus on their business and family simultaneously? 

There are a lot of people who think you need to grind your face off to get there. Well, my question is, why would you want to be there with no face? I need a face. I can't grind my face off to get there because, by the time I get there, I'll have no face. There's a way to get there and it involves some discipline. You have to have some discipline. You have to have some consistency. It's going to be a little bit uncomfortable. You're going to have to sacrifice some things. The question is, what do you sacrifice? And that's up to the individual. 

How can I focus on the positives and live with gratitude? Why are so many people ungrateful?

I don't think it's a conscious thing. I think it's just a habitual thing. We forget. Just like sometimes our wives, we forget to date them. We forget to love them. We did in the beginning, which is why they're our wives. And then after we marry them, we forget. I don't think it's intentional.

I think that happens with life. Sometimes it's hard to remember to be grateful, especially with all the negativity the mainstream media serves up. Social media now is like you're a loser because you don't have a Rolls Royce and private jets when in fact, neither does the person that you're watching nine times out of 10, they're just faking it.

It's easier than ever to start feeling the wake. I tell people, “Did you open your eyes today? Great. Then it's a good day. The question is, how good is it going to get?“




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